
My plan for making search mundane.

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MundaneSearch aims to compartmentalize multi-step search.


You know the deal:

gem 'mundane-search' # in your Gemfile, then "bundle"
# or just gem install mundane-search on your command line
require "mundane-search"


Still in the process of figuring this out! But much of it works like I want, so hopefully no brutal changes.

Build a search, then run that search on a specific collection and params.

Collections are typically array-like structures (arrays, ActiveRecord or Sunspot scoped collections, etc.)

Params are hash-like structures, such as those interpreted from forms and query strings. They are optional.

Create a search:

class BookSearch < MundaneSearch::Result

Add filters to it:

class BookSearch < MundaneSearch::Result
  use :attribute_match, key: "title"

Then use that search in your controllers:

# params = { "book_search" => { "title" => "A Tale of Two Cities" } }
@result = BookSearch.results_for(Book.all, params["book_search"])

The returned result is enumerable:

@result.each {|book| ... }

And has some Rails-style form compatibility:

<%= search_form_for(@result) do |f| %>
  <%= f.input :title %>
<% end %>

As well as url-ability:



There are built in filters and you can make your own filters.

Three ways to notate filters:

class ExampleSearch < MundaneSearch::Result
  use FilterClass
  use :filter_class
  employ :shortcut
  1. use FilterClass, options The most straightforward. Under the hood, this establishes that a searched collection will be passed through this filter.
  2. use :filter_class, options This is the same as specifying FilterClass, except MundaneSearch will look for filter_class in MundaneSearch::Filters if it isn't found in the Object namespace.
  3. employ :shortcut, options This is the avenue for shortcuts, such as when you might want several filters to be created by one designation. I haven't spent much thought on this, it may change in the future.

Built in filters

Common options

First some options that are common to many filters.

  • key: The key in params to examine for a matching value.
  • target: The attribute to match against. By default, uses key.
  • match_value: Usually nil. When nil, the value of params[key] is used.
  • required: Default false. When true, will run a filter even if (for example) the match_value is nil.
  • type: Gives form helpers et al a hint as to what type the match_value should be. Overrides class method key_type in a filter. Available types:
    1. :string
    2. :integer
    3. :float
    4. :date
    5. :time

All those suckers in action:

class BookSearch < MundaneSearch::Result
  # book.publisher == params["publisher"] even if the match_value (params["publisher"]) is nil
  # (in below examples, the filter is skipped if the match_value is nil)
  use :attribute_match, key: "publisher", required: true

  # book.title == params["title"]
  use :attribute_match, key: "title"

  # book.author == params["writer"]
  use :attribute_match, key: "writer", target: "author"

  # book.publication_date > Date.parse("1900-01-01") (disregards params)
  use :operator, key: "publication_date", operator: :>, match_value: Date.parse("1900-01-01")

  # simple_form displays filter as designated type
  use :attribute_match, key: "first_purchased_at", type: :time


Returns objects that exactly match an attribute, ex: book.title == "A Tale of Two Cities"

use :attribute_match, key: "title"


Returns objects that match a portion of an attribute, ex: book.title =~ /Tale of/

use :attribute_substring, key: title


Returns objects that match an attribute + operator, ex: book.publication_date > Date.parse("1900-01-01")

Requires a key and a symbol of an operator (:>, :<, :>=, :<=)

use :operator, key: "publication_date", operator: :>


Sorts a collection.

use :order, key: "sort", direction_key: "bearing"
# { "sort" => "publication_date", "bearing" => "descending" }


Sorts a collection based on several fields.

# Compact syntax:
use :multi_order, key: "sort"
# { "sort" => "sold;author:desc" }

# Array syntax (better for forms, maybe?)
use :multi_order, key: "sort", direction_key: "bearing"
# {"sort" => ["sold","author"], "bearing" => ["asc", "desc"]},


MundaneSearch can also work with objects that aren't "attribute-y".

Return objects that are equal to the match_value. Used in a lot of examples below.


The params can be manipulated.

Changes values of "", [], or {} to nil in params.

Sans sugar

MundaneSearch can be used outside of Rails on whatever sort of object you want:

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "fruit"
built.call %w(apple orange blueberry), { 'fruit' => 'orange' } # ["orange"]

If you git checkout the project, ./script/console will get you a session with everything loaded up.


Make your own filters! Here's how:

class MustContainVowel < MundaneSearch::Filters::Base
  def filtered_collection
    collection.select {|e| e =~ /[aeiouy]/i} # only elements that contain a vowel

Then you can reference that filter when you build a search:

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MustContainVowel
built.call %w(CA TX NY FL IL) # ['CA','NY','IL']

Filters are more useful when they are reusable. Arguments passed after the filter name (use Filter, arguments) will be passed into the filter's constructer. The Base filter in these examples sets an "options" variable with this argument.

class MustMatch < MundaneSearch::Filters::Base
  def filtered_collection
    collection.select {|e| e.match(options[:regex]) }
built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MustMatch, regex: /\A[a-m]+\Z/i
  use MustMatch, regex: /L/
built.call %w(CA TX NY FL IL) # ["FL", "IL"]

Filters will often be configured to consider input on a specific search. So, you'd configure your filter to pull values from params to limit results.

class MatchIfNameEqual < MundaneSearch::Filters::Base
  def filtered_collection
    collection.select {|e| e == params[:name] }
built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MatchIfNameEqual
built.call %w(Bill Bush Barack), { name: "Bill" } # ["Bill"]

This is another filter that would be more useful if instead of being hard-wired to look at params[:name], it could be configured when it is used. A supplied filter: ExactMatch, does just this.

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "title"
built.call %w(Private Sergeant Lieutenant), { "title" => "Sergeant" } # ["Sergeant"]

It also ignores empty params:

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "title"
built.call %w(Private Sergeant Lieutenant), { "title" => nil } # ["Private", "Sergeant", "Lieutenant"]

Unless you tell it not to (in the following case, the filter will look for an exact match on nil, and not find it):

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "title", required: true
built.call %w(Private Sergeant Lieutenant), { "title" => nil } # []

You can alter params as well, in a similar fashion.

class AlwaysSearchingForGumbo < MundaneSearch::Filters::Base
  def filtered_params
    params.merge({ options[:key] => "Gumbo" })
built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use AlwaysSearchingForGumbo, key: "food"
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "food"
built.call %w(Pizza Pasta Antipasto Gumbo), { "food" => "Pizza" } # ["Gumbo"]
built.call %w(Pizza Pasta Antipasto Gumbo) # ["Gumbo"]

So yeah, it's fun. Here's a more practical example ... if you have clients that pass in groups of empty parameters (intending for those to not influence the search) BlankParamsAreNil will turn those empty strings into nil values.

built = MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::BlankParamsAreNil
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "food"
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "noms"
built.call %w(Pizza Pasta Antipasto Gumbo), { "food" => "", "noms" => "Gumbo" } # ["Gumbo"]

A shortcut for referencing filters

If a filter is defined directly under MundaneSearch::Filters or Object (such as when you just define a class without a namespace), you can reference it with a underscored version of that filter.

The following two "use" designations would use the same filter.

MundaneSearch::Builder.new do
  use MundaneSearch::Filters::ExactMatch, key: "foo"
  use :exact_match, key: "foo"

Object is searched first, so a user defined ExactMatch would take precedence over the MundaneSearch::Filters one.

Supporting multiple collection types

MundaneSearch can work with any collection object that can be passed around and modified. Filters can be designed to work with several types of collection.

When a filter is about to be built, MundaneSearch looks at the base class of the collection being searched and checks to see if there is a subclass with the same name.

In the following example, the ActiveRecord subclass will be used instead of the OnlyManagers class when the collection is an instance of ActiveRecord::Relation.

class OnlyManagers < MundaneSearch::Filters::Base
  class ActiveRecord < self
    def filtered_collection
      collection.where(postion: "manager")
  def filtered_collection
    collection.select {|e| e.position == "manager" }


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request