
Let's Encrypt support for Ubiquiti UbiOS firmwares

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Let's Encrypt for Ubiquiti UbiOS firmwares


This should work on UbiOS based firmware versions 1.7.0 onwards. This includes:

  • UniFi Dream Machine
  • UniFi Dream Machine Pro

It does NOT support the Cloud Key Gen 2 or Gen 2 Plus as they do not ship with Docker (podman) support.

This script supports issuing LetsEncrypt certificates via DNS using Lego.

Out of the box, it has tested support for select DNS providers but with little work you could get it working with any of the supported Lego DNS Providers.


  1. Copy the contents of this repo to your device at /mnt/data/udm-le.
  2. Edit udm-le.env and tweak variables to meet your needs.
  3. Run /mnt/data/udm-le/udm-le.sh initial. This will handle your initial certificate generation and setup a cron task at /etc/cron.d/udm-le to attempt certificate renewal each morning at 0300.


On firmware updates or just reboots, the cron file (/etc/cron.d/udm-le) gets removed, so if you'd like for this to persist, I suggest so you install boostchicken's on-boot-script package.

This script is setup such that if it determines that on-boot-script is enabled, it will set up an additional script at /mnt/data/on_boot.d/99-udm-le.sh which will attempt certificate renewal shortly after a reboot (and subsequently set the cron back up again).

DNS Providers

AWS Route53

AWS Route53 DNS challenge can use configuration and authentication values easily through shared credentials and configuration files as described here. This script will check for and include these files during the initial certificate generation and subsequent renewals. Ensure that route53 is set for DNS_PROVIDER in udm-le.env, create a new directory called .secrets in /mnt/data/udm-le and add credentials and config files as required for your authentication. See the AWS CLI Documentation for more information. Currently only the default profile is supported.


GCP Cloud DNS can be configured by establishing a service account with the role roles/dns.admin and exporting a service account key for that service account. Ensure that gcloud is set for DNS_PROVIDER in udm-le.env, and GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE references the path to the service account key (e.g. ./root/.secrets/my_service_account.json) . Create a new directory called .secrets in /mnt/data/udm-le and add the service account file.


In your Cloudflare account settings, create an API token with the following permissions:

  • Zone > Zone > Read
  • Zone > DNS > Edit

Once you have your token generated, add the value to udm-le.env.

Azure DNS

If not done already, delegate a domain to an Azure DNS zone.

Assuming the DNS zone lives in subscription 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 and resource group udm-le, with help of the Azure CLI provision an identity to manage the DNS zone by running:

# login
az login

# create a service principal with contributor (default) permissions over the godns resource group
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name godns --scope /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/udm-le --role contributor

The CLI will output a JSON object. Use the printed properties to initialize your configuration in udm-le.env.


  • The password value is a secret and as such you may want to omit it from udm-le.env and instead set it in a .secrets/client-secret.txt file
  • The appId value is what Lego calls a client id