Sam made a load of notes during the School of Code bootcamp.
They are written in his unique way of thinking, which while it may not always be the easiest read, does give some insight into how he thinks.
Table of contents:
- Preparatory work: basic HTML, CSS, Git/Github and my application journey
- Week 1: experiencing the course, CSS style sheets, and JavaScript essentials
- Week 2: Document Object Model, accessing API's, and asynchronous programming using fetch and await
- Week 3: planning, web design, UI/UX, and wireframes with Figma
- Week 4: back-end with Node.js, express.js, Postman, and restful API's
- Week 5: relational databases, PostgreSQL, Heroku, environment variables, and overcoming difficulty to make a functioning server
- Week 6: testing in Jest, Supertest, and Cypress.
- Week 7: React.js, combining HTML and JavaScript using Babel, immutable changes, and making a component-based app.
- Week 8: changing react states with useEffect, react testing library, branching in Git, and a little distress about political issues
- Week 9: the 1-week project as part of 'Le cafe des devs parraseux'
- Week 10: retrospectives, documentation, tidying up a project, authentication/authorisation, and incorporating Auth0 security into an app.