
Chrome Plugin for This plugin will log page navigations to

To Build and Install

We need to first build the plugin. We are using cake, to install cake to handle coffeescript builds. Install coffeescript (and cake) via npm.

There are two ways to install npm (on a mac)

Once npm is installed, we can intall coffeescript binaries.

npm install -g coffee-script

To start a build

cd howdidido-chrome
cake build

viola!, you should see something like this.

16:46:20 - compiled /Users/samsonnguyen/dev/howdidido_chrome/src/ 16:49:29 - compiled /Users/samsonnguyen/dev/howdidido_chrome/src/

Now, in chrome go to


Now, we need to install our newly build plugin.

  • Check the developer mode checkbox
  • Click "load unpacked extension"
  • Select the howdididotoday-chrome directory

That's it!