Morning Coffee


Enjoy your Morning Coffee, with your favorite websites. Everyday!


This is the Morning Coffee chrome extension, inspired by the Firefox plugin under the same name. The goal is to provide a chrome port for that firefox plugin.


Morning Coffee in Action

Morning Coffee in action

Browser Actions


Configure Options



Head over to the extension page on google play store, you know what to do :)

How to use

The usage is pretty simple. Basically you're managing a list of routine urls that you visit on a daily basis, e.g. during your morning coffee time.

To manage this routine url list, you have following 3 methods:

  • You can navigate to certain page and add current page to the list
  • Or you can add all current opened tabs in current window to the list
  • Directly manage the list in the extension option page, you can do whatever you want here

Once the list is composed, you can open them simultaneously by just one click. By default, all the tabs will be opened in your current window by order. You have the options to open them in new window and randomize the order of the list if you wish.

Bug & Feedback

Please report bugs and issues on github issues, any feedback and suggestion is welcome and appreciated.