
a list of startup ideas

Twenty-Five Computer Startup Ideas

If you're interested in any of these ideas, please start an issue to discuss it publicly or email me for a private discussion.

If you're interested in computing ideas see:

1. Retail Business Cloud

A platform for starting retail businesses: start a real life coffee shop by writing code. The platform combines a labour, supplier, relationship marketplace and allows you to acquire resources (staff, retail space, commodities, food couriers) and dictate how they should manifest in the real world. Design your branding with an editor, work with suppliers (such as store outfitters) who are on the platform and have a retail space fitted out for serving customers. Crowdsource your business. Sell equity on the platform.

  • Difficulty: Incredibly hard
  • Code: Lots
  • Profitability High, lots of pies

Previously seen in ideas2 98. Business Cloud

2. Backup as a Service

Postgres, MySQL backup as a service. Dashboards. Restore button.

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Code: Small
  • Profitability Low

3. Lifestyle subscriptions

Sell lifestyle packages to people. Use recommendation engines to sell restaurants, food, equipment, courses, supplies, neighbourhoods, jobs to triathlon runners, programmers, vegans, yoga people, mothers, communists, painters. Think affiliate marketing legitimatised and applied to people's desires. Buy the lifestyle of "a coffee every day before work" or "I live in this neighbourhood". Trade your salary for a package of guaranteed transportation, food and shelter.

See http://lifestyle-subscriptions.com/

I've got hold of the domain name.

  • Difficulty: Hard
  • Code: Medium
  • Profitability High, lots of pies

4. Pay for friends

Help people find friends.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Code Medium
  • Profitability Low

5. Streaming platform for companies with lots of data

Off the shelf Docker images for integrating Kafka topics with AWS SNS, MSK, SQS, S3.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Code Lots
  • Profitability Low

6. Verified Reviews

A credit card company that provides the ability to do product reviews from a dashboard on statements.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Relationships Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code Low

7. Child entertainment budget

Pay a fixed amount each month for your children, a combination of pocket money and entertainment budget which can be spent on platform games and platform videos.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Profitability Medium
  • Code Low

8. Labour marketplace

Put your sell bid into a labour marketplace which is a price you are willing to be hired at.

Have a super indepth profile which tracks all your credentials and each is worth a different amount of money. For example, having studied at a certain university means your sell bid can be higher.

The platform could have an agreement whereby you agree to give a % of your salary to them.

  • Difficulty Medium
  • Profitability Lucrative
  • Code Medium

9. Job Interviewless agency

An agency that fulfils jobs at multi industry clients by promising to candidates there will be no job interview as a form of open hiring.

Have a good application process to get good staff. For retail, have a sticker that can be placed on retail front windows saying that we use this agency company. People who have been vetted can decide where to work based on the logo.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Relationships Hard
  • Profitability Lucrative
  • Code Low

10. Teams as a service

A job board where people can buddy up and say they work well together in a team with a group of people. Teams would have experience working together. People are encouraged to stay in contact on the platform after being acquired. Can sell consulting ala Upwork or recruitment services.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability Medium
  • Code Medium

11. Cloud aggregator

A GUI to aggregate clouds.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability Capture all the people who are afraid of vendor lock in.
  • Code Lots

12. A PaaS that scales from 0 automatically

A PaaS that scales from one box to black friday.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability Ask how Heroku is doing
  • Code Lots

13. Insure anything

A service that lets you buy insurance for your home, health, appliances and everyday carry on your mobile phone.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code Medium

14. Mobile ERP

ERP for small businesses that cannot afford SAP.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code High

15. Sources of income startup

Income dashboard that helps you to find alternative sources of income, aggregate income data and invest, get life insurance from one interface.

Market place of income generating opportunities such as dividend funds, property, side jobs.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code Medium

16. Digital transformation as a service

A commodified stack in a box of preconfigured software for use by businesses wishing to adopt a digital transformation.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code High

17. Real time observability startup

Either a real time observability dashboard of customers or of computer systems.

  • If it's a website business, see people come to the website, move between pages, add things to cart, buy things.
  • If it's a digital system, see requests being handled and work items making their way through the flow.

See idea 71, Gaming interfaces for work

The closest example I can think of is VisitorVille

  • Difficulty Medium
  • Profitability Low
  • Code Medium

18. Development skills startup

Start a development skills trainings startup for existing developers. Organisations don't want to pay training costs so you have to take your career into your own hands.

  • Difficulty Low
  • Profitability Medium
  • Code Medium

19. Open source funding

Make it easy to turn money into code.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability Low
  • Code Low

20. Monetized content startup

Allow arbitrary content to be monetized. Send money to an URL.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code High

21. Annotated video working streams

Make working a matter of responding and interacting with a video stream.

This idea originally appeared in ideas2 3. Telework.

Think videos imposed with controls to interact with the stream. Online CCTV monitoring.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code High

22. Immigration as a Service app

A startup that helps people immigrate for a fee.

  • Difficulty Low
  • Profitability Medium
  • Code Low

23. Manufacture app

An crowdsourcing app where you can upload 3d printable models, PCB circuitboard designs and have them manufactured in China.

Very few westerners know how to turn ideas into products where manufacturing happens all in China.

  • Difficulty High
  • Profitability Hard
  • Code Hard

24. Regulation or API experts

A company that aggregates and simplifies regulations or APIs and consults on them.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code Low

25. Umbrella corporation

A company that hosts other startups that are nascent. Provides services that all companies require such as accounting, user registration. Would use the best of breed technologies that members can get for free.

  • Difficulty Hard
  • Profitability High
  • Code High

Where there's money

  • Advertisements
  • Salaries
  • Between Transactions
  • Between businesses
  • Forced transactions