


A type A and an implementation of Monoid[A] that satisfies the three laws:

  • Closure: the result of combining two things is always another one of the things.
  • Associativity: When combining more than two things, order doesn't matter.
  • Identity element: There is a special thing called "zero" such that when you combine any thing with "zero" you get the original thing back.

Type constructor

A type that you can apply to type arguments to 'construct' a type. They act like functions, but on the type level. List is a type constructor. You can't just have a List, you have to have a List[A]. Here, A is a type parameter.

Type classes

From "The Neophyte's Guide":

A type class C defines some behaviour in the form of operations that must be supported by a type T for it to be a member of type class C. They allow ad-hoc and retroactive polymorphism.

Higher-kinded types


Useful reading
