Allow ISY994 to write to BACnet devices. Combines ISY994 and Lighting Control system to send UDP DR signal to BACnet devices.


Allow ISY994 to write to BACnet devices. Combines ISY994 and Lighting Control system to send UDP DR signal to BACnet devices. This leverages the ISY994i and the UDI Network Module and allows a lighting system to believe it received a BACnet write command.


  1. An ISY994 device with the Networking Module Installed
    • I used the ISY994i
    • Since I used the ISY994i I needed the PowerLinc Modem #2413S
  2. Networked (Ethernet) Lighting Control Hubs (We're using Vive Hubs)
  3. All devices networked together (ethernet)
  4. Latest updates (just a good idea in general) Vive ISY


Sucessfully implemeted basic Demand Response Activate and Deactivate with Lutron Quantum® and Lutron Vive systems networked (ethernet) with an ISY994i , configured as described below.


  1. admin.jnlp Admin Java program for ISY
  2. LutronZone_and_DR.zip Custom Networking Resource Module for ISY

ISY Programming

NOTE: you'll need the Netowrking module installed, and network resources created, this is covered in the next section. Read the Docs ISY
  1. Create programs (under programs tab) for the following conditions: - DR ON (or Active)
              Module OpenADR Status is Active
              AND Module OpenADR Mode is High (you will have to ask SCE which type of signal they are sending)
              Module Network Resource DR On (Hub 1)
              Module Network Resource DR On (Hub 2)
    • DR OFF (or Inactive)
              Module OpenADR Status is Inactive 
              OR Module OpenADR Status is Pending
              Module Network Resource DR Off (Hub 1)
              Module Network Resource DR Off (Hub 2)
Using the Networking module, and resources to trigger demand response.
  1. Create Network Resources (under Configuration > Netowrking tab) for the following conditions, for EACH HUB IP ADDRESS:

    • DR ON (Hub 1)

      • Mode: UDP
      • Host: IP address of your lighting hub (
      • Port: 47808 (typical for BACnet)
      • Timeout(ms): 500
      • Mode: Binary
      • Body: 129;10;0;23;1;4;0;117;15;15;12;1;64;0;2;25;85;62;145;1;63;73;16
    • DR OFF (Hub 1)

      • Mode: UDP
      • Host: IP address of your lighting hub (
      • Port: 47808 (typical for BACnet)
      • Timeout(ms): 500
      • Mode: Binary
      • Body: 129;10;0;23;1;4;0;117;15;15;12;1;64;0;2;25;85;62;145;0;63;73;16
    • DR ON (Hub 2)

      • Mode: UDP
      • Host: IP address of your lighting hub (
      • Port: 47808 (typical for BACnet)
      • Timeout(ms): 500
      • Mode: Binary
      • Body: 129;10;0;23;1;4;0;117;15;15;12;1;64;0;2;25;85;62;145;1;63;73;16
    • DR OFF (Hub 2)

      • Mode: UDP
      • Host: IP address of your lighting hub (
      • Port: 47808 (typical for BACnet)
      • Timeout(ms): 500
      • Mode: Binary
      • Body: 129;10;0;23;1;4;0;117;15;15;12;1;64;0;2;25;85;62;145;0;63;73;16
  2. Save and test these commands. Verify that the Hub GUI changes, and Demand Reponse activates.

NOTE: you'll need server settings and user info from SCE

Lighting Hub Setup Vive

  1. Each lighting control Hub will need to have a unique, prefferably static IP address.
  2. Each lighting control Hub will need to have a unique BACnet instance number (recommend offsetting by 100).
  3. Each lighting control Hub will need to have a unique BACnet network number (recommend offsetting by 1).
  4. Hubs do not need to have a System Password set, but it is recommened.

Useful Network Testing Utilties:

  1. YABE - To send the BACnet commands
  2. Wireshark - To watch the BACnet commands
    • Using filter udp.port==47808
    • Use YABE to change a Value
    • Copy hex stream from the resulting packet, you want the bytes starting at "BACnet Virtual Link Control"
  3. Packet Sender - Take your hex command, send as UDP
    • Check back in Wireshark and YABE to see if you actually did something