
PHP script to send Lutron Integration commands to Processor or NWK via Telnet

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

An API for Lutron Integration Commands

The Quantum API sends commands and returns information based on the area and light level specified.


  1. A simple PHP script to send Lutron Integration commands to Processor or NWK over Telnet
  2. A ini file containing AREA NAMES and integration IDs
    1. To-do: Create a tool that automatically generates this file from the integration report.
    2. To-do: Use JSON instead of ini.


  1. A Quantum installation with Integration IDs
  2. A networked Quantum Processor on NWK
  3. A networked Webserver with a public IP that hosts the index.php and lutron.ini files
  • NOTE: This Webserver needs to have PHP installed. On IIS, use Windows Platform Installer to get PHP.
  • NOTE: This Webserver can be the Quantum Vue webserver. This is probably the simplest method.

The LIGHT LEVEL must be a value between 0 and 100. The AREA and it's integration ID must be specified in the lutron.ini file. The command will return JSON ouput.


  1. Modify the lutron.ini file to include:

    1. Your Processor or NWK local IP address
    2. Your Processor or NWK login information
    3. Your project's list of AREAS and integration IDs .
      • Any spaces in the AREA name should be replaced with UNDERSCORES
      • The AREA name goes in the first set of SQUARE BRACKETS (underscored if applicable)
      • The itegration ID goes after the code =

    This should probably be accomplished programmatically (see to-dos).

  2. Modify the index.php file if you:

    1. Decided to place the lutron.ini file somewhere else, or rename it.
    2. Want to show less information; the proc and config JSON objects are useful for debugging, but should probably not be exposed in production. These lines are marked with //recommend hiding after debuging.
  3. Place the index.php file and lutron.ini in the same directory on your networked server.



Example: http://yourserver.com/path/to/files/?area=entry&level=50

This command will set the lights in ENTRY to 50% and return the following output:

    "config": {
        "telnetPort": "23",
        "localIP": "",
        "userName": "USERNAME\r\n"
    "area": {
        "name": "entry",
        "exists": true,
        "id": "17"
    "level": "50",
    "proc": {
        "commandWrite": "#AREA,17,1,50,3\r\n",
        "commandRead": "?AREA,17,6\r\n",
        "cleartext": "login: password: \r\nQNET> \u0000QNET> ~AREA,17,6,3\r\nQNET> "