
Taste&Flavor is a feature-rich restaurant management system with reviews, bookings, and an owner dashboard. Built with React, Node.js, and MongoDB for a delightful dining experience. Explore, reserve, and manage restaurants seamlessly!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live URL

You can view the live project here.


  • Executed the entire development cycle of Taste&Flavor, an innovative restaurant management system, solely leveraging React for a dynamic front-end and Node.js, Express, and MongoDB Atlas for a scalable back-end.
  • Simultaneously maintained a secure user login system using Firebase, ensuring robust authentication. The integration of Firebase bolstered user security, complementing the innovative system’s efficiency and functionality.
  • Introduced a seamless user booking system, allowing customers to effortlessly browse and book their preferred restaurants slots. Integrated owner login with JW Token, enables owners to manage user bookings securely.


You only need to install the dependencies mentioned in the package.json file.