
Ansible playbook to deploy laravel application with apache2, MySQL, php-fpm

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Ansible for Deployment Laravel appplication

Quickly provision laravel application all along with Apache2, php7.1-fpm, and MySQL server.


  • Git
  • Ansible 2+


First, you need to install Git and Ansible :

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git ansible
git clone https://github.com/samsulmaarif/ansible-deploy-laravel.git
cd ansible-deploy-laravel
  • Then you need to customize the playbook deploy.yml (or create a new one) to suit your needs.
  • Customize all variable in group_vars/all.yml.
  • Edit your host in inventory/host (or create a new one)
  • Run ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts deploy.yml --ask-become-pass and enter your sudo password to run the playbook.


  • This playbook only tested with Ubuntu 16.04 host.
  • This is a just work playbook and may be does not contain a best practice.