
[Deprecated] Vault helm chart for cyklops team

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[Deprecated] A Helm Chart for Hashicorp Vault


This chart installs Hashicorp Vault backed by either in-memory storage or with etcd, with HA. Vault is brought up and, optionally, initialized, unsealed and setup with several secrets and auth backends.

If setup to unseal, the secret with master key shards and root token will be generated in the same namespace as your helm release.

Note, that if a secret with the same name already exists, it will be deleted and replaced.


Install this in your cluster with Helm:

git clone git@github.com:samsung-cnct/chart-vault.git
helm registry dep --overwrite
helm dep build
helm install ./chart-vault/vault

Should result in something similar to:

Pulled package: quay.io/samsung_cnct/vault-etcd (0.0.6-2-0)
 -> appr_charts/samsung_cnct
Updated requirements.yaml

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
Saving 1 charts

Thank you for installing vault.

Your release is named vault.

Your Vault server located at https://vault-access.default.svc.cluster.local.
It has been:
* Initialized
* Unsealed
* Set up with auth backends
* Set up with secrets backends

Unseal keys and root token are in the 'vault' cluster secret.

To learn more about the release, try:

  $ helm status vault
  $ helm get vault


Parameter Description Default
vault.image Vault docker image to use. "quay.io/samsung_cnct/vault:prod"
vault.imagePullPolicy Pull policy for the docker image. "Always"
vault.nodePort Override service node port with a preset value. N/A
vault.listenerPort Vault client listener port. 8200
vault.clusterListenerPort Vault cluster listener port. 8201
vault.backend Vault storage backend. "etcd"
vault.enableDebug Enable vault debug output. "false"
vault.replicas Number of vault instances to use. 3
vault.secretShares Number of vault master unseal keys to generate. 5
vault.unsealShares Number of vault master unseal keys required to unseal. 3
vault.initBackoff Backoff limit in seconds for vault initialization failures. 10
vault.initDeadline Total max time for vault init in seconds. 180
vault.pgpKeys If desired, array of base64-encoded pgp keys to encrypt master unseal keys with. Size must match secretShares. If set, unseal and backend setup will not happen N/A
vault.rootPgpKey If desired, base64-encoded pgp key to encrypt root token with. If set, backend setup will not happen. N/A
vault.cpu Pod cpu millicores "500m"
vault.memory Pod memory "200mi"

Automatically initializing and unsealing


Chart can automatically initialize and unseal Vault on deployment. This will result in a cluster secret being created with all of the master unseal key shards and root access token.

As a compromise you can set the chart to auto-initialize, but also provide vault.pgpKeys and vault.rootPgpKey parameters, in which case the resulting unseal secret will be encrypted with the provided keys. This makes auto-unsealing impossible however.

Note that unseal vault.setup.masterSecret secret will remain in the helm release namespace until deleted manually.

Parameter Description Default
vault.setup.init Perform vault init after deployment. "true"
vault.setup.unseal Perform vault unseal after deployment. "true"
vault.setup.masterSecret Store unseal keys and root token in the secret, if auto-unsealing. Name of the helm release

Client TLS support

TLS support for client communication requires a pre-existing cluster secret with TLS certs.

Parameter Description Default
vault.tls.enabled Enable TLS for vault client communication. false
vault.tls.enabled Enable TLS for vault client communication. false
vault.tls.secret.name Vault tls secret name to mount. N/A
vault.tls.secret.mountPath Mount secret at this path in pods. N/A
vault.tls.secret.certFile Vault tls secret cert file key. N/A
vault.tls.secret.keyFile Vault tls secret key file key. N/A
vault.tls.secret.caFile Vault tls secret ca file key. N/A

There is a helper script to generate a client CA, cert and key.
To use the script, export the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default
GEN_NAMESPACE Release namespace "default"
GEN_CLIENT_SECRET_NAME client tls secret name to create "vault-client-tls"
GEN_STATEFULSET_NAME_VAULT Name of the stateful set to be created by chart (release name) "vault"
GEN_NAMESPACE Release namespace "default"
GEN_ACCESS_SERVICE_NAME Name of the loadbalancing service (Release Name - access) "access-vault"
GEN_IDENTITY_SERVICE_NAME Headless service name (Release Name) "vault"
GEN_MAX_PODS Stateful set size (number of replicas) 3
GEN_CLUSTER_DOMAIN Cluster domain name "cluster.local"

Then run ./generate-certs.sh:

generating CA certs...
cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca
[INFO] generating a new CA key and certificate from CSR
[INFO] generate received request
[INFO] received CSR
[INFO] generating key: rsa-2048
[INFO] encoded CSR
[INFO] signed certificate with serial number 410998069836753123844768520587372714450635418352
generating client certs...
cfssl gencert       -ca=ca.pem       -ca-key=ca-key.pem       -config=ca-config.json       -hostname=,vault-access,vault-access.default,vault-access.default.svc.cluster.local       -profile=client vault-client.json | cfssljson -bare vault-client
[INFO] generate received request
[INFO] received CSR
[INFO] generating key: rsa-2048
[INFO] encoded CSR
[INFO] signed certificate with serial number 443766618904816722146416065615646002853886711474
deleting old secrets...
kubectl -n default delete secret vault-client-tls || true
secret "vault-client-tls" deleted
creating secret
kubectl -n default create secret generic   vault-client-tls   --from-file=ca.pem  --from-file=vault-client.pem   --from-file=vault-client-key.pem
secret "vault-client-tls" created

etcd Backend

Note: ha_enabled is automatically set to true if replicas is > 1 and the backend supports it.

Parameter Description Default
etcdBackend.address IP address of the backend "vault-etcd-vault-etcd.vault-etcd-staging"
etcdBackend.port etcd client port to use 3379
etcdBackend.etcdApi API version of etcd. Highly recommend using v3 "v3"
etcdBackend.sync Specifies whether to sync the list of available Etcd services on startup "false"
etcdBackend.username Specifies the username to use when authenticating with the etcd server N/A
etcdBackend.password Specifies the password to use when authenticating with the etcd server N/A
etcdBackend.disableClustering Specifies whether clustering features such as request forwarding are enabled. "false"
etcdBackend.tls.enabled Enable TLS for etcd backend. false
etcdBackend.tls.secret.name Etcd tls secret name to mount. N/A
etcdBackend.tls.secret.certFile Etcd tls secret cert file key. N/A
etcdBackend.tls.secret.keyFile Etcd tls secret key file key. N/A
etcdBackend.tls.secret.caFile Etcd tls secret ca file key. N/A
etcdBackend.clientKey Specifies the path to the key certificate used for Etcd communication. N/A
etcdBackend.path Etcd path for vault storage. "release-namespace/release-name/"

Setting up backends

If you setup the chart to auto-initialize and auto-unseal, you can also set it up to automatically mount vault auth and secrets backends.

Auth Backends

Parameter Description Default
vault.backends.auth Dictionary of vault auth backend objects N/A

Dictionary key is used as a mount point. Value is a dictionary of auth backend mount parameters. For example:

        organization: samsung-cnct
        type: github
        description: GitHub Auth backend
          plugin_name: ""
          local: false

Will result in an AppRole backend to be mounted at `/sys/auth/approle'

Secrets backends

Parameter Description Default
vault.backends.secrets Dictionary of vault secrets backend objects N/A

Dictionary key is used as a mount point. Value is a dictionary of secrets backend mount parameters:

      type: aws
      description: AWS secret backend
        plugin_name: ""
        default_lease_ttl: 0
        max_lease_ttl: 0
        force_no_cache: false
        local: false
        seal_wrap: false

Will result in an AWS secret backend to be mounted at `/sys/mounts/aws'


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


Created and maintained by the Samsung Cloud Native Computing Team.