Hapijs RESTful Example

This is a Hapi.js project to build RESTful API's using ES6.

What's inside


Clone the repository and install the dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/samsystems/hapi-restful-skeleton.git my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
Set up .envrc
$ npm run migrate
$ npm start

Defintion of global variables

Variable Value Description
NODE_ENV development Api enviroment definition
DB_HOSTNAME locahost Host where is development database hosted
DB_PORT 3306 Port where is development database hosted
DB_NAME callermate Name of database
DB_DIALECT mysql Dialect use to engage sequelize with database
DB_USER root Database user
DB_PASSWORD root Database password
MIGRATIONS_PATH src/data/migrations Migrations files path
MODELS_PATH src/models Models files path
SEEDERS_PATH src/data/seeders Location for data fixtures
SECRET_KEY your own secret key Secret key for json web token sign


Two options exists to run tests, the first one is for development process and aims to practice Test Driven Development.

$ npm run tdd

The other option to just run tests once.

$ npm test


Ensure the quality of your code with eslint.

$ npm run linter


If you have ideas or find an error feel free to submit a PR.


Licensed under the MIT license.