
Awesome tutorial to teach people bash, which is also a game.

Step 1 - Opening The Terminal


On mac, press CMD + Space to open spotlight, then type terminal and press enter.

Maximise the window by double clicking the bar (or use CMD + F if you have Specticle).


On linux, press CMD, type terminal and press enter.


First you need to install virtual box to get linux.

Step 2 - Setting Up The Game

Run ls (type ls then press enter). This will print a list of your directories in your home folder. You will see something that looks like this:

sam@net1:/Users/sam ls
Applications			Documents			Library				Music				Public				steelseries-exactmouse-tool.dmg
Desktop				Downloads			Movies				Pictures

Create a directory in your home directory called src by running the following command. We will explain the mkdir program more later.

mkdir -p src

Now when you run ls you will see the src directory, like this:

sam@net1:/Users/sam ls
Applications			Documents			Library				Music				Public				steelseries-exactmouse-tool.dmg
Desktop				Downloads			Movies				Pictures			src