See installation instructions at:
Check you have python3 installed:
python3 --version
Ensure your pip (package manager) is up to date:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
To check your pip version run:
pip3 --version
Create the virtual environment in the root of the cloned project:
python3 -m venv .venv
You always want your virtual environment to be active when working on this project.
source ./.venv/bin/activate
This will install some of the packages you might find useful:
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
A data generator is included as part of the project in ./input_data_generator/
This allows you to generate a configurable number of months of data.
Although the technical test specification mentions 6 months of data, it's best to generate
less than that initially to help improve the debugging process.
To run the data generator use:
python ./input_data_generator/
This should produce customers, products and transaction data under ./input_data/starter
Please save Snowflake model code in snowflake
and infrastructure code in infra
Update this README as code evolves.