
distributed source control system in the style of Git.

Primary LanguageJava

Git Control System

A JavaFX-based Git system that simulates basic Git operations like commit, merge, view commit history, and ignore files. This project includes an intuitive GUI that allows users to interact with Git-like features, including the ability to execute commands such as git commit.


Core Git Functionalities

  • Commit Changes
    Save the current state of tracked files with a descriptive message, automatically handling file hashes and metadata.

  • View Commit History
    Retrieve a list of all commits for the current branch, displaying commit messages, hashes, and parent relationships.

  • Merge Commits
    Merge changes between branches or commits, with conflict handling if necessary. Applies merged changes to the working directory.

  • Git Ignore
    Exclude specified files or directories from being tracked or committed.

  • Access Commit Files
    Retrieve files associated with any commit for easy exploration.

GUI Features

  • Text Command Execution
    Type commands like git commit , git add . git init in a text field and execute them by pressing Enter.

  • Real-Time Feedback
    Displays success or error messages in dialog boxes or console output.

  • Interactive Commit Input
    Input commit messages via a text field for seamless interaction.


Before running the application, ensure you have the following set up:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK)
    Version 11 or later.

  2. JavaFX SDK
    Download and configure JavaFX to enable GUI support.

  3. File Structure
    Ensure the .dotgit directory is created in your project root, with the following subdirectories:

.dotgit/ ├── objects/ # Stores file contents hashed by SHA-256 ├── refs/heads/ # Tracks branches and their latest commit hashes ├── commits/ # Metadata for each commit .gitignore # File to specify ignored paths

How to Run

  1. Set Up the Project
  • Clone this repository.
  • Open the project in your favorite IDE (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or VSCode).
  • Ensure all dependencies are configured, including JavaFX.
  1. Run the Application
  • Execute the GitCommitUI class.
  1. Using Commands
  • Commit Changes: Type git commit in the text field.
  • View History: Type git history in the text field.
  • Merge Branches: Type git merge <branch-name> in the text field.

File Structure

Example Usage

Commit Changes

  1. Modify files in your working directory.
  2. Enter git commit -m 'message' in the GUI text field.
  3. Enter git add . in the GUI text field.

View Commit History

  1. click on the commit button then click on view history
  2. A list of commit messages with their hashes will be displayed.

Merge Branches

  1. Type git merge '<branch-name>' in the GUI text field.
  2. If conflicts arise, they will be logged for resolution.

Code Highlights

Commit Logic

Handles creating a commit:

 public static void commit(String message) {
        String author = "test"; // Author of the commit
        try {
            String branchName = GitServices.getCurrentBranch(); // Get the current branch name
            if (branchName.isEmpty()) { // Check if the branch name is empty
                System.out.println("No active branch found. Please create or switch to a branch.");
                return; // Exit if no active branch

merge Logic

Handles creating a merge:

    public static void merge(String targetBranch, String author) {
        try {
            // Get the latest commit hashes for the branches
            String currentBranch = GitServices.getCurrentBranch();
            String targetBranchCommit = Utils.getBranchCommit(targetBranch);
            String currentBranchCommit = Utils.getBranchCommit(currentBranch);

            // Check if either branch has no commits
            if (targetBranchCommit == null || currentBranchCommit == null) {
                System.out.println("Cannot merge. One or both branches have no commits.");
                return; // Exit the method if no commits are found

            // Identify the base commit (common ancestor)
            String baseCommit = findCommonAncestor(targetBranchCommit, currentBranchCommit);
            // Check if a common ancestor was found
            if (baseCommit == null) {
                System.out.println("No common ancestor found. Cannot perform a merge.");
                return; // Exit the method if no common ancestor is found

            // Collect changes from both branches
            Map<String, String> baseChanges = readCommitFiles(baseCommit);
            Map<String, String> currentChanges = readCommitFiles(currentBranchCommit);
            Map<String, String> targetChanges = readCommitFiles(targetBranchCommit);

            // Perform a three-way merge
            Map<String, String> mergedChanges = new HashMap<>();
            // Iterate through files in the base changes
            for (String file : baseChanges.keySet()) {
                String baseContent = baseChanges.get(file); // Get base content
                String currentContent = currentChanges.getOrDefault(file, baseContent); // Get current content or base if not present
                String targetContent = targetChanges.getOrDefault(file, baseContent); // Get target content or base if not present

                // Check for conflicts and determine which content to keep
                if (currentContent.equals(targetContent)) {
                    // No conflict, keep the current content
                    mergedChanges.put(file, currentContent);
                } else if (currentContent.equals(baseContent)) {
                    // No conflict, accept target changes
                    mergedChanges.put(file, targetContent);
                } else if (targetContent.equals(baseContent)) {
                    // No conflict, accept current changes
                    mergedChanges.put(file, currentContent);
                } else {
                    // Conflict detected
                    System.out.println("Conflict detected in file: " + file);
                    // Mark the conflict in the merged changes
                    mergedChanges.put(file, "<<<<<<< CURRENT\n" + currentContent + "\n=======\n" + targetContent + "\n>>>>>>>");

            // Apply merged changes to the files

            // Create a merge commit with the provided author and message
            createMergeCommit(author, "Merged branch '" + targetBranch + "' into '" + currentBranch + "'", currentBranchCommit, targetBranchCommit);

            System.out.println("Merge completed successfully.");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            e.printStackTrace(); // Print stack trace for debugging
            System.out.println("An error occurred during the merge.");

read commit logic

Handles read commit a files:

   private static Map<String, String> readCommitFiles(String commitHash) throws IOException {
        Map<String, String> files = new HashMap<>(); // Map to store file names and their contents
        File commitDir = new File(".dotgit/commits/" + commitHash + "_files"); // Directory for commit files
        if (commitDir.exists()) {
            // Iterate through files in the commit directory
            for (File file : Objects.requireNonNull(commitDir.listFiles())) {
                files.put(file.getName(), new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()))); // Read file content
        return files; // Return the map of files

###Create branch logic Handles create branch:

 public static void createBranch(String branchName) {
        // Get the current HEAD commit hash
        File head = new File(".dotgit/HEAD");
        File masters = new File(".dotgit/refs/heads/master");
        if (!masters.exists()) {
            System.out.println("not a valid object name: 'master'");
        try {
            String currentCommit = Utils.readFile(head).split(": ")[1].trim();
            // Create a new branch file
            File branchFile = new File(".dotgit/refs/heads/" + branchName);
            if (branchFile.exists()) {
                System.out.println("Branch " + branchName + " already exists!");
            Utils.writeToFile(branchFile, currentCommit);
            System.out.println("Branch " + branchName + " created at commit " + currentCommit);
        } catch (Exception e) {