
Parquet reader in JS

Primary LanguageTypeScript

parq is a Parquet reader in JavaScript. Install from NPM via "parq". Demo here.


You can build a reader and then iterate over its contents, yielding a Uint8Array for each value:

import { buildReader, flatIterate } from 'parq';

const bytes = /* Uint8Array from somewhere */;
const pr = await buildReader(bytes);

// iterate over the data in rows 100-200 of column zero
const it = flatIterate(pr, 0, 100, 200);

let i = 100;
for await (const value of it) {
  console.info(`col0 row${i}=`, value);

It's a bit awkward to receive a Uint8Array per-value (you can use DataView to read its contents), but it matches how Parquet works: it has a variety of primitive data types as well as the BYTE_ARRAY type which has variable length. This type is usually used for UTF-8 encoded strings.

To find out what type is used per-column, check pr.info().columns for their name, type, and so on, before indexing.

Advanced Usage

You can access the low-level methods on ParquetReader to read raw page data directly. These need a little bit of work to eventually render, but this means you can process the data more efficiently.

You can also pass a Reader implementation to buildReader instead of raw bytes. This is a method which reads bytes in a specific range, useful if you are processing large files and don't want to read it from disk or network all at once.


This is missing support for Parquet files that use:

  • data pages v2
  • compression codecs LZO, BROTLI, LZ4, LZ4_RAW
  • possibly complex nested schemas.

It supports compressions SNAPPY, GZIP, and ZSTD via a dynamic import of the zstddec package. If you need ZSTD, install "ztsdec" and instruct your bundler to use it. (I can see adding brotli-wasm for BROTLI if it's needed in the same way.)


There's a simple demo on GitHub Pages, with the source in demo. This uses a Worker to process Parquet data remotely, which means that this code can trivially handle gigabyte or more file sizes. It implements a remote ParquetReader that connects to the worker.