
Custom HomeAssistant component for Hisense televisions

Primary LanguagePython



Place the custom_components folder into your configuration directory (or add its contents to an existing custom_components folder).


You will need to perform a one-time authentication for the API to work.
NOTE: The second command line must be performed for each TV, if control of multiple Hisense TVs is desired.
pip install hisensetv
hisensetv --authorize

See newAM/hisensetv for more details.


host - IP address of TV mac - MAC address of TV name - unique entity name of TV model - TBD pause_resume - command to send to resume playback after a pause command has been sent scan_interval - interval of device update in number of seconds

  - platform: hisensetv
    mac: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
    name: tv                [OPTIONAL]
    model: TBD              [OPTIONAL]
    pause_resume: ok        [OPTIONAL] ['ok' | 'play' | 'pause']
    scan_interval: 60       [OPTIONAL]

  - platform: hisensetv
    mac: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
    name: tv                [OPTIONAL]
    model: TBD              [OPTIONAL]
    scan_interval: 60       [OPTIONAL]

# NOTE: Either or both can be enabled for a single TV

Television Configuration

-- The following settings must be enabled

Model: H9 (2019)

-- Setting: Wake Up : Wake On LAN
NOTE: If using Wireless, then use:
-- Setting: Wake Up : Wake On Wireless Network

Known Issues

  • For the media_player, the current source is not known until an option is

selected. Source selection changes performed outside of Home Assistant will not be reflected.

Advanced Commands

For advanced needs, additional commands, such as menu navigation, may be sent via the developer tools, under the 'Services' tab.

select service 'hisensetv.send_command'
click 'FILL EXAMPLE DATA' at bottom
select Entity - must be HisenseTV device (media_player or switch)
update command value, as desired

Furthermore, the media_player can request an updated list of connected input sources, as physical changes will not be automatically reflected.

select service 'hisensetv.update_sources'
select Entity - must be HisenseTV device (media_player)


This is provided as-is. Please report any bugs or issues. Thanks!

Docker Issues

  • No compatibility issues are observed when running Home Assistant in a docker configuration.


  • Determine if model functionality is necessary/valuable for future model expansion possibilities