🎵 This application allows you to see the songs you have listened to the most on spotify.
Discover the app here : https://spotistat.herokuapp.com
This project is based on Spotify demos showing the different OAuth 2.0 flows for authenticating against the Spotify Web API.
These app use:
- Authorization Code flow
- Client Credentials flow
- Implicit Grant flow
These examples run on Node.js. On its website you can find instructions on how to install it. You can also follow this gist for a quick and easy way to install Node.js and npm.
Once installed, clone the repository and install its dependencies running:
$ npm install
Then, you need to define the following config vars :
Finally, run the app :
$ node app.js
And open http://localhost:8888
in a browser.
You will need to register your app and get your own credentials from the Spotify for Developers Dashboard.
To do so, go to your Spotify for Developers Dashboard and create your application. For the examples, we registered these Redirect URIs:
- http://localhost:8888 (needed for the implicit grant flow)
- http://localhost:8888/callback