
A react hooks demo, inspired by Dan Abramov Demo in React Conf 2018

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Starter Kit

The demo uses starter kit https://github.com/adeelibr/react-starter-kit

Demo Includes

  • Example of useState
  • Example of useEffect
  • Example of useContext
  • Example of custom hooks
    • custom hook useWindowWidth
    • custom hook useDocumentTitle
    • custom hook useFormInput
  • Example of useReducer
  • Examples of useSpring (react-spring) hooks
    • Progress bar example
    • Fade example

How to run

$ yarn 
$ yarn start // development
$ yarn build // production build

How to use

In src/index.js

There is an object called const VISIBLE = {}; with a list of all examples, all you have to do is, to see a particular example. Let's say you want to see react-spring examples of hooks, do the following in your App state

state = {
    isVisible: [

And that's pretty much it, just add a VISIBLE.SOME_EXMAPLE to your isVisible state array, your app will hot reload with the new UI information.