
MAM Lite - a more flexible messaging protocol for IOTA

Primary LanguageJava

MAM Lite - a more flexible messaging protocol for IOTA

MAM Lite (MAML) is a lightweight, flexible and easy to use protocol which ensures privacy and integrity for data communication at another level. More information about MAML can be found here: https://medium.com/@samuel.rufinatscha/mam-lite-a-more-flexible-messaging-protocol-for-iota-562fdd318e1d


  • Authentication
  • Forward Secrecy
  • Spam protection
  • Stream access from every address
  • Channel splitting
  • Multipart messages
  • Different encryption modes (AES and public key encryption for fine grained access)

MAM Lite is a work in progress. I have designed the library to be as easy to use as possible. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them. You can find me on Discord (Samuel Rufinatscha#2769) or you can send me an email at samuel.rufinatscha@gmail.com

Console App

To play with the command line app, Java 8 must be installed. You can get it here: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html

After you have successfully installed Java, download the latest maml.jar file: https://github.com/rufsam/maml/releases/tag/maml.jar

Open a console/terminal, navigate to it and start it with:

java -jar maml.jar

If you want to pass a node manually, run it as follows:

Syntax: protocol, host, port, depth, minWeightMagnitude

java -jar maml.jar https nodes.thetangle.org 443 3 14

How to use the library

Every author of a message does need a RSA key pair. This can be created easily by the provided crypto classes:

KeyPair keys = RSA.generateKeyPair();
PublicKey publicKey = keys.getPublic();
PrivateKey privateKey = keys.getPrivate();

A stream can be initialized as follows:

MAML m = new MAML(address);

if it's password protected:

MAML m = new MAML(address, password);

Publish a message:

Message msg = new Message();
msg.setPrivateData("This is my message!");
m.write(msg, privateKey);

Read a message:

MessageResponse msg = m.read();

To split a channel, you simply need to change the password. The rest will be done automatically:

String nextAddress = m.split(newPassword);

To trust messages only from a specific set of users, put the appropriate public keys in the keystore:


How to use MAML in server mode

To use MAML in server mode, Java 8 must be installed. You can get it here: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html

After you have successfully installed Java, download the latest maml.server.jar file: https://github.com/rufsam/maml/releases/tag/maml.server.jar

Open a console/terminal, navigate to it and start it with:

java -jar maml.server.jar

If you want to pass a node manually, run it as follows:

Syntax: protocol, host, port, depth, minWeightMagnitude

java -jar maml.server.jar http localhost 80 3 14

Access the REST API as follows:

Read a message:


If the message is password protected:
