
Implementation of the VADNN article

Primary LanguageLua


This is an implemetation of the VADNN article. This collection of scripts for Torch7 can compute both bottom-up and top-down visual attention saliency maps.

You need to fetch some data

You need to fetch the trained model, at least, to be able to run the live demo.



If you want to use an USB camera, you will need to install the camera package

luarocks install camera

How to run a live person top-down saliency demo

There are available three different methods with which the final top-down saliency map is displayed. Each method can be selected by --mode #, where # can be 1, 2 or 3. The source can be a USB webcam, which is the default option, or an Ethernet camera, which can be chosen with --eth. For example, we can run on USB, mode 3 by typing

cd dev
qlua saliencyCam.lua --mode 3

or, we could run on Ethernet and using method 2 with

qlua saliencyCam.lua --mode 2 --eth