
A plugin for kubo that serves a healthcheck endpoint which returns the status of the IPFS node.

Plugin Installation

This is a preloaded plugin built in-tree into go-ipfs when it's compiled.

git clone https://github.com/ipfs/kubo

cd kubo

# Pull in the plugin (you can specify a version other than "latest" if you'd like)
go get github.com/ceramicnetwork/go-ipfs-healthcheck/plugin@latest

# Add the plugin to the [preload list](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/blob/master/docs/plugins.md#preloaded-plugins)
echo "\nhealthcheck github.com/ceramicnetwork/go-ipfs-healthcheck/plugin 0" >> plugin/loader/preload_list

# Download dependencies
go mod download

# Build go-ipfs with the plugin
make build

# If an error occurs, try
go mod tidy
make build


Run Kubo IPFS node and check its status.

./cmd/ipfs/ipfs daemon
curl -X GET http://localhost:8011

Healthcheck Endpoint Statistics Review


  • Install and run IPFS as a daemon. Follow the docs here for more information.
  • Use the CID value from here or any other CID value from an IPFS setup.
  • Run run cmd/main.go at the root directory
  • Check http://localhost:8011/healthcheck on your browser and ensure the result is "status": "ok".

At this point, great to see that everything works! Your output shows a successful health check response with the IPFS DAG statistics.


Kubo Plugins




Fully open source and dual-licensed under MIT and Apache 2.