We often need to display data in a table. However, unless it’s a realtime table, we need to reload to view new data each time that it’s added. For example, take a table of movies arranged by the year they were released. Each time a movie is added, we would not know of the changes until we reload our page - which is not the best experience for a user.

Today, we will solve this problem by creating a realtime table of movie titles, which updates once there is new data. The full tutorial can be found here :

Getting Started

Clone the project repository by running the command below if you use SSH

git clone

If you use https, use this instead

git clone

After cloning, open the pusher_realtime_table.sln file in visual studio.


Setup Pusher

If you don't have one already, create a free Pusher account at then login to your dashboard and create an app.

Then fill in your Pusher app credentials in your Controllers\HomeController file by replacing this line with your appid, appkey and app secret respectively:

var pusher = new Pusher("PUSHER_APP_ID", "PUSHER_APP_KEY", "PUSHER_APP_SECRET", options);

Also, remember to fill in the your secret key and app cluster in your Views\Home\view.cshtml file by updating this line:

var pusher = new Pusher('PUSHER_APP_KEY', {cluster: 'XXX_CLUSTER'});

And finally, start the application by clicking the debug button on your visual studio.

Built With

  • Pusher - APIs to enable devs building realtime features
  • ASP.NET - Open source web framework for building modern web apps and services with .NET.
  • Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework