Overseas was a project in which our goal was to create a solution to encourage students to track their learning and increase their self-awareness of progress and growth.
Looking for a way to reconcile this management with learning methods such as Bloom's taxonomy, and Self-regulated learning, we developed Prisma.
Prisma is an iPadOS app built to help people better follow their academic and personal development, through guided reflections and revisiting your learning, writing down your discoveries daily, and building a new perception of knowledge.
This project has a coding guideline that follows the GitHub Swift Style Guide. \n Install the SwiftLint extension on XCode, follow this guide.
To create a new feature or fix
- Create new branch
- To name a branch folow the pattern:
- To name a branch folow the pattern:
- Add your commits
- Name your commit in infitive and simple as possible. Examples:
Add click to firstSection
,Fix typo in ViewController.swift
- Name your commit in infitive and simple as possible. Examples:
- Make PR to Master
- Add Reviewer
- When Reviewer approved, apply merge
If you have any conflicts when creating PR, rebase it with master. Don't merge it right away.
This project is under the license MIT