
Polymer Starter Kit with Jade, Sass and CoffeeScript

Primary LanguageHTML

DEPRECATED: Polymer Awesome Kit is done for an old version of Polymer (<2.0) and has not been updated yet.

Polymer Awesome Kit

The Polymer Starter Kit with few improvements....

Included out of the box:

Getting Started

There is nothing different than the Polymer Starter Kit on how to use it but the structure of the elements is now separated in 3 parts (CoffeScript (javascript) file, Jade (HTML) file, SCSS (CSS) file). Lint has also been deactivated.

  • Install the dependencies with npm install && bower install.
  • Use gulp serve to start a local test environment. Any changes on a CoffeeScript, Jade or SASS file is directly compiled and served in the browser.
  • Use gulp serve:dist to start a local dist environment or gulpto just compile everything and push the files on your FTP.
  • Use gulp clean to automatically clean the app directory (deleting .html, .css & .js files) and delete dist.

The gulp and gulp serve:dist commands are directly compiling, minifying, vulcanizing, embedding the code and cleaning the repertories.

Using Sublime Text and having Jade indentation problems ?

Follow this url : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18343651/jade-indentation-errors