
A simple and quickly done live chart system (with a fake data feeder) - Polymer, NodeJS (ExpressJS), MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Chart System

This system was done in a little bit more than 3 hours in order to help a developer. I thought it can help some other people to understand few logics of Polymer and NodeJS librairies...

How to use it ?

The code is done to connect itself to a MySQL database.

  • Run bower install && npm install in order to install dependancies.
  • Import fakeData.sql to your database
  • Change de connection details in fakeFeeder.js and liveChart.js

PS : If you happen to change the port of liveChart.js , please modify the port in scripts/app.js !

What does it contain ?

  • fakeData.sql : Schema of the SQL database
  • fakeFeeder.js : A simple script that push fake informations in the database for test only
  • liveChart.js: The script that take informations from the database

How does it work ?

When liveChart.js is started, it populate the variable localDatabase (in order to reduce SQL requests) and ask every minutes for the latest informations (and push it in the same variable). It have an ** ExpressJS API ** that send the variable informations through /api/getData which also work with a specific date (ex : /api/getData/Tue Jun 30 2015).

When index.html is displayed, it directly call /api/getData/dateHere in order to get all the entries from the day and then call /api/getData/ every minutes in order to get the latest entry.

What in the future ?

I will probably implement Socket.IO in order to get a REAL real-time displaying and also enable multi-charts displaying. I used Express in order to have an API and because the code had to be done in few hours.
