todo: Todos in the CLI like what
todo Print help
todo add Go shopping Create a new todo item
todo ls Print all pending todo items
todo ls @tag Print todo items containing "@tag"
todo ls ~@tag Print todo items not containing "@tag"
todo ls --all Print completed and pending todo items
todo ls --done Print completed todo items
todo check 1 Mark #1 as completed
todo mv 1 42 Change the id of given todo
todo undo 1 Revert #1 to pending
todo rm 1 Remove #1 item
todo clear Destroy all todo items
Environment variables:
TODO_FORMAT=pretty Specify formatter (simple, pretty, mini) [default: simple]
TODO_DB_PATH=~/Dropbox/todo.json Specify DB path [default: ~/.todo-db.json]
npm install todo -g
MIT License