[2022 01 02] Updated to Nextcloud 23.0.0
This Dockerfile extends the official nextcloud:apache and nextcloud:fpm dockerfile (https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud) with Face Recognition Capabilities in your Nextcloud images. Additionally this Dockerfile adds cron via supervisory.
After installation please install the Nextcloud App from https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/facerecognition. Please activate the app after the installation. The Cronjob will soon start and will try to detect all faces within your pictures.
In general, follow the instructions on https://hub.docker.com/_/nextcloud to use this image. Especially please check out the environment variables to configure your nextcloud docker installation.
Install Face Recognition App Please access your nextcloud installation in your favorite browser to install and enable the face recognition app (https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/facerecognition).
Activate the Cron Activate the cron scheduler, which is part of the image. Go to Settings -> Basic Settings and select the option "Cron" for the Background jobs. That's make the web interface more responsive, especially with a lot of files or if you have many users. Background jobs are executed every 5 minutes.
MEMORY_LIMIT Please configure the environment variable PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT (https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit). The default value is 1 GByte. If you can add more, please do so.
NEXTCLOUD_UPDATE Set NEXTCLOUD_UPDATE to "1" if you want to receive updates.
Follow my blog to receive the latest information: https://iamklaus.org/category/nextcloud/