
Cakes API (Django, Docker, Postgres, Nginx)

Primary LanguagePython

Cakes API

A simple Django project that features a Cakes api

  • Runs on Docker
  • Provides a Swagger documentation
  • Provides a Postman collection



  • Clone the project

  • Cd into the project's directory

  • Copy the file .env.dist to a new file called .env

    • the provided variables are enough to start with

Docker setup

  • Ensure Docker is up and running

  • Run the containers

$> docker compose up
  • To seed some data, run
$> docker exec -it <container name> python manage.py test_seed

Native setup

  • Create a virtualenv
$> python -m venv .venv
  • Activate the virtual environment
$> source .venv/bin/activate
  • Install the required dependencies
$> python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Open the .env file and change the value of USE_SQLITE from 0 to 1

  • Run the migrations

$> python manage.py migrate
  • Seed some data (use the --wipe option to wipe any existing database)
$> python manage.py test_seed [--wipe]

Running tests

Using Docker

$> docker exec -it <container name> python manage.py test


$> python manage.py test


The documentation is available at http://localhost:8000/documentation/ in OpenAPI format using ReDoc


The app also comes supplied with Nginx and a second docker-compose file to use within a production environment. It will start a Gunicorn app

$> docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up