
Construct objects from configuration files

Primary LanguagePython


The configuration module you never knew existed but desperately need. Dynamically configure objects with static configuration files!

This is still under development, expect some adventures!

Table of Contents

  1. What is Construct.py?
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
    1. Modules
  4. Layout of (TOML) Configuration Files
    1. Types
    2. Args
    3. Kwargs
  5. Type Descriptions
    1. X
    2. constant
    3. generic
    4. side_effect
    5. arg_at/kwarg_at
  6. Calling Function Defined in Your Code
  7. Custom Types
  8. __main__

What is Construct.py?

Construct.py is a Python package that allows you to construct any object from a configuration file. For example, to construct a CNN in PyTorch with a single convolutional layer and two dense layers, you could use:

# This file is an example configuration file on how to construct a
# convolutional neural network using PyTorch. In this file, a lot of features
# of Construct.py are shown. I don't recommend mixing so many features, but I
# have added them here as an example.
type = "torch.nn.Sequential"  # Notice the fully qualified name

# First layer is a convolutional layer
type = "torch.nn.Conv2d"
args = [1, 10, 3]

# Then we add a ReLU nonlinearity
type = "torch.nn.ReLU"

# We flatten the output of the convolutional layer
# Use a generic type to construct a torch.nn.Flatten. This is not recommended,
# but is here to showcase the functionality of the generic type.
type = "generic"
args = ["<-torch.nn.Flatten()"]

# Then add a linear layer
type = "torch.nn.Linear"
args = ["<-constant(2)", 5]

# Don't use a bias for the linear layer
bias = false

# Then we have another ReLU nonlinearity
type = "torch.nn.ReLU"

# Followed by a linear layer
type = "torch.nn.Linear"
args = ["<-constant(5)", 1]

# And finally, use a bias on the last layer
type = "constant"
args = [true]

Note that you can use any configuration file type that can be parsed into a dict. Above I've used toml, but nothing stops you from using a json or yaml file.

For example configuration files, see the examples/ directory.

The great thing about Construct.py is that it allows you to dynamically create objects from static configuration files. What do I mean by this? Let me give an example:

In my research in reinforcement learning, we deal with neural networks to approximate value functions. If that doesn't make sense, then just consider a mathematical function f that takes in some number of inputs (x, y, ...). In my research, the number of inputs changes based on which environment my experiment is run on. For example, if I run an experiment on the MountainCar game, then there are 2 inputs to f (the neural network). If I run on the CartPole game, there are inputs to f. Construct.py allows me to write a single configuration file for a neural network such that, when I run my experiment on MountainCar, the configuration file generates a neural network that expects 2 inputs. I can use the exact same configuration file to run an experiment on CartPole, and the configuration file will create a neural network that expects 4 inputs. Everything else will remain the same, but the number of inputs will change based on the environment I run on.


To install Construct.py:

pip install git+https://github.com/samuelfneumann/Construct-Py.git#egg=construct_py


There is a single function that is the workhorse of Construct.py. This function is called parse. To parse a configuration file, first read it into a dict. For example, given a configuration file called net.toml in the current working directory:

from construct_py import parse
import tomli
import torch

with open("net.toml", "rb"): as infile:
	config = tomli.load(infile)

network = parse(config)


Generally, you'll be using Construct.py to configure objects from some module. To do that, Construct.py needs to know about these modules. Construct.py will look in two different files to qualify names:

  1. The includes file construct_py_includes.py
  2. The imports file construct_py_imports.py

The difference between these two files is the following:

  1. The source code of the construct_py_includes.py file is embedded in the source code of Construct.py above all the logic of Construct.py. The contents of construct_py_includes.py is run before Construct.py is interpreted upon importing Construct.py into your own module. Names defined in this file do not need to be fully qualified, but imported names do need to be fully qualified.
  2. The contents of construct_py_imports is imported into Construct.py before Construct.py is interpreted upong importing Construct.py into your own module. That is, from construct_py_imports import * is run in Construct.py before any actual code of Construct.py is run. Hence, names defined in this file does not need to be fully qualified.

For example, if we wanted to parse the above PyTorch configuration file, then we would need a construct_py_includes.py file in the current working directory to tell Construct.py to import PyTorch:

import torch

This would not work if we used import torch in the imports file. This is because what would happen is the imports file would import torch, then Construct.py would import the imports file. Construct.py would not import torch. Construct.py runs the actual source code of the includes file (it does not import the includes file), and so Construct.py would import torch when import torch is placed in the includes file. Hence if you ever need to construct an object from another module, the import statement must be in the includes file.

Actually, the includes file can be used to defined anything you want Construct.py to know about. For example, you could define a function in that file in which case that function is available to call in your configuration file. Alternatively, you could even use:


to import the contents of some Python file and evaluate it in the includes file. By doing so, everything in some_file.py is available to Construct.py.

You can call any function defined in the includes file (see below) or use any constant defined in the includes file in a configuration file.

Of course, sometimes we don't want this import file to be in the current working directory. If you want to specify another directory to contain this file, then you'll need to set the environment variable CONSTRUCT_PY_DIR to the directory which contains the includes file. For example, if construct_py_includes.py is located at ~/some/other/directory/construct_py_includes.py, then you'll need to set and export CONSTRUCT_PY_DIR=~/some/other/directory. For example, you could add the following to your .zshrc:

export CONSTRUCT_PY_DIR=~/some/other/directory

Layout of (TOML) Configuration Files

Each configuration file is treated as a Call Tree, which denotes function calls with their arguments. The tree should have a single root node, which determines which object is created. This is the first layer [0] in the configuration file above, and results in the creation of a torch.nn.Sequential. In effect, the root node is a node to create a torch.nn.Sequential.

Each object in the hierarchy is defined by a sequence of numbers such as These numbers refer to positional arguments to function calls. For example, above the configuration of [0.0] refers to the first argument to the configuration of [0]. Similarly, [0.x] refers to the xth argument to the function call defined in [0]. Each . refers to a new depth of the tree. For example, [0.x.y.z] is the zth argument to the yth function call, which itself is the xth argument to the final constructed object, defined in layer [0]. If instead of number, you used string, then these are treated as keyword arguments. For example [0.kwarg] would be a keyword argument with name kwarg to the call of the function defined in [0].

Each successive configuration layer has the following form:

type = t # some type description
args = l # a list of values
# key = value pairs

where x can be any sequence of numbers separated by a ., t is some type description (described below), and l is a list of values.


Each successive layer has a type, which defines which function is called or what object is created. Valid type values are:

Type Value Interpretation
X Call the function X in the code. X can be any valid callable symbol which is defined in the code, but must be fully qualified.
generic Call any generic Python code such as lambda x: x + 1.
side_effect Similar to generic, but replaces its node in the call tree with its child subtree. Used to apply function side-effects to a subtree.
constant Return a constant.
arg_at Indexes the arguments of the child tree
kwarg_at Indexes the keyword arguments of the child tree

Custom types can be registered using the register function. More on that later. See below on what each of these types mean.


Each configuration layer also has an associated args key. The value of this must be a list. In this list, you can put any valid constant value such as args=[1, 2, 3, "hello", 1.2, false]. If you use a string, prepending a : to the string will cause the string to be evaluated at runtime. For example, given the following function in your code:

def f(x):
	return x + 1

then if you specify args=[1, 2, ":f(2)"] in your code, this will be expanded to args=[1, 2, 3] at runtime. Of course, Construct.py needs to know about the function f, and so it would need to be defined in the includes file.

There is an alternative method to specifying arguments. Instead of having a list of constants, you could have a tree-like objecture. For an argument to the function call at layer [i], you can specify the positional arguments as [i.j]for each positional argumentj. The positional arguments have to be enumerated starting from 0 and have an increment of 1. The benefit of this second approach is it allows the positional arguments themselves to be complicated objects which are themselves constructed by a portion of the configuration file. For example, the top-level object at position [0]could be atorch.nn.Sequential, and one of its children could also be a torch.nn.Sequential`. This functionality is not available with the first positional argument method, which allows only simple objects to be constructed as positional arguments.

The two different methods of using positional arguments are mutually exclusive. You cannot use both.


Keyword arguments for layer [0...x] are placed in a dictionary at [0...x.kwargs] where the ... refers to any number of nested sub-configurations. For example, the keyword arguments for layer [0.x.y] are placed at [0.x.y.kwargs]. Each keyword argument is simply listed as a key-value pairs:

"key1" = "value1"
"key2" = "value2"

Like positional arguments, there is an alternative way of specifying keyword arguments. Instead of specifying a bunch of key-value pairs at [0.x.y.kwargs], you could instead specify the keyword arguments by name. For example, for a keyword argument named this_is_a_kwarg_name, you could specify [0.x.y.this_is_a_kwarg_name]`. Then, the configuration sub-tree below this level can be a configuration of some complex object, similar to how the second method of specifying positional arguments works.

The two methods of using keyword arguments are mixable.



The syntax X allows us to create an object or run a function with the symbol X. To this function, we can pass in any arguments using the args key, or we can create a subtree below this node, where each path in the subtree will denote a sequential argument. If the X node is at position 1.x in the tree, then the yth argument to X will be at position 1.x.y. Hence, we have an ordering of arguments. The benefit to this approach is that any argument to the function can be a subtree of many, many elements, and so it's easy to construct complex objects or call functions on complex objects.

For example, if we want to create object A, but object A takes in object B, which takes in object C, we can easily do the following:

type = "A"

type = "B"

type = "C"

# Arguments to create C, where y = 0, 1, 2, ...

# Other arguments to create B, where x = 1, 2, 3, ...

# Other arguments to create A, where z = 1, 2, 3, ...

This effectively creates an object by calling A(B(C(...), ...), ...).

One caveat to using X is that names must be fully qualified based on the includes file. So, if you have the following module tree:

module X
	module Y
		function y

and you have the following in your includes file:

import X

then to use y in a configuration file you need to specify it as X.Y.y. If instead you import Y in your includes file, you can specify y as Y.y. If you use from X.Y import y in your includes file, then you can specify y as y in your configuration file. The general rule is that however you would access the symbol y in your includes file, that's how y must be specified in your configuration file as well. This goes for all types, not just the X type.


With the constant type, we can return any constant value, defined by the single value in the args array. For example:

type = "constant"
args = [1]

is a configuration file which, when parsed, results in a 1.

A constant type takes one argument. If more than one argument is specified, an error is raised.


With the generic type, we can call any arbitrary Python code by passing the code as a single argument in args. generic takes only a single argument. To use a generic type in your configuration file, you could do something like this:

type = "generic"
args = ["lambda x: x + 1"]

this would construct a function that adds 1 to its argument.

A generic type takes one argument. If more than one argument is specified, an error is raised.


With the side_effect type, we can call any arbitrary function with side effects. The function will be run with the arguments and kwargs specified by the call tree under the side_effect node. Once the side_effect has been completed, with its side effects, the side_effect node will be replaced by its child subtree:

parent_tree --- side_effect node --- child_tree

will become:

parent_tree --- child_tree with side_effect applied

If the side_effect node is at the top of the CallTree, and it takes in a single argument or kwarg, then the side_effect node is not replaced by its child subtree, but is rather replaced by its single argument or kwarg.

The side_effect type is very similar to the X type, but doesn't construct any object in the CallTree. Instead, it replaces itself with its child subtree.

The arguments to a side_effect type must start with the name of the function to call (str). The arguments to the function to call must come after the name of the function to call in the arguments for a side_effect. For example:

type = "side_effect"

[0.0]  # The name of the function to call
type = "constant"
args = ["function_to_call"]

[0.1]  # The first argument to the function to call
# ...

[0.2]  # The second argument to the function to call
# ...

[0.kwarg1]  # A kwarg to the function to call
# ...


The arg_at and kwarg_at types index the args/kwargs of their subtree. The node containing an arg_at/kwarg_at is replaced by the indexed arg/kwarg. This is most often useful in conjunction with they side_effect type. For example, if a side_effect type is the root of the CallTree, then an arg_at/kwarg_at can be used to extract a single value from the side_effect and return that value as the value configured by the configuration file.

The arguments to an arg_at/kwarg_at type are:

  1. The index/keyword to access
  2. The node to index the args/kwargs of

If more than 2 arguments are given, an error is raised.

Calling Functions or Creating Objects Defined in the Code

One awesome feature is that if a function or object is defined in your Python code, then that code can be called from the configuration file as long as that code is available in your includes file! Well, not exactly, but almost! Really, the configuration is deferred to runtime, so when we create an object, we can just run some functions and put the returned values in the call tree.

For example, if you have a function f defined in your includes with a variable x defined in your includes file, then you can call f(x) in your configuration file by using the <-f(x) operator.

Two functions come bundled with Construct.py that can be called without defining them in the includes file. These are constant and generic as defined above. Hence, from any configuration file you can use <-constant(x) or <-generic(x) by default. For example:

type = "torch.nn.Linear"
args = ["<-generic(1)", "<-constant(3)", true]

creates a torch.nn.Linear with 1 input, 3 outputs, and a bias unit.

Custom types

Custom types can be implemented in two ways. First, you can just make a custom object and then use a configuration file to create it. Second, you can register a function to be called with a specific type using the register method. For example, calling Construct.register(type, f) will cause f to be called with args and kwargs whenever type is encountered in a configuration file. For example if register("agent", make_agent) is called in your code then whenever a configuration file has something like:

type = "agent"
args = [...]

then make_agent(args..., kwargs...) will be called when parsing the configuration file.


There is an alternative way to run Construct.py. If you set the environment variable CONSTRUCT_PY_USE_MAIN (to anything), then you can import anything from the main module __main__ when running Construct.py in addition to anything defined in the includes file. Hence, if you import module X in your main module, then there is no need to import X in the includes file. Construct.py can automatically use it. There are two caveats:

  1. You need to qualify any symbol x from the main module as __main__.x in your configuration files.
  2. Although CONSTRUCT_PY_USE_MAIN = true makes Construct.py more powerful, you could very easily turn your program into a pretzel. Use caution!


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