
Create any Julia object from a configuration file

Primary LanguageJulia


Create any Julia object from a configuration file.

This file is a re-write of my Construct.py module in Julia. This package is still under development, but should mostly work. Expect some adventures!

This package allows the creation of any Julia object from some configuration file (such as TOML) which can be parsed into a Dict. For example, consider the following Julia code:

module Example

using Construct
using Flux
using TOML

file = ...  # Some TOML configuration file, contents of which defined below
config = TOML.parsefile(file)
net = Construct.parse(config)

with the following TOML configuration file, outlining a neural network using Flux.jl:


args = [10, 21, ":(Main.Example.tanh)"]
":bias" = true
":init" = ":(Main.Example.Flux.glorot_uniform)"

args = [21, 3, ":(Main.Example.tanh)"]
":bias" = true
":init" = ":(Main.Example.Flux.glorot_uniform)"

args = ["x -> :(Main.Example.Flux.softmax)(x)"]

This configuration file, when parsed by the Construct.parse function will result in a Flux.Chain of Flux.Dense(10, 21, tanh), followed by a Flux.Dense(21, 3, tanh) and finally by a Flux.softmax function, outputting a softmax distribution over 3 values.

This package was originally developed to provide configuration files for Flux.jl neural network models, but it can be used to create any Julia object from a configuration file.

Layout of (TOML) Configuration Files

Each configuration file is treated as a Call Tree, which denotes function calls with their arguments. The tree should have a single root node, which determines which object is created. This is the first layer [1] in the configuration file above, and results in the creation of a Flux.Chain. In effect, the root node is a node to create a Flux.Chain.

Each object in the hierarchy is defined by a sequence of numbers such as These numbers refer to arguments to function calls. For example, above the configuration of [1.1] refers to the first argument to the configuration of [1]. Similarly, [1.x] refers to the xth argument to the function call defined in [1]. Each . refers to a new depth of the tree. For example, [1.x.y.z] is the zth argument to the yth function call, which itself is the xth argument to the final constructed object, defined in layer [1].

Each successive configuration layer has the following form:

type = t # some type description
args = s # a sequence of values
# key = value pairs

where x can be any sequence of numbers separated by a ., t is some type description (described below), and s is a sequence of values.


Each successive layer has a type, which defines which function is called or what object is created. Valid type values are:

Type Value Interpretation
:X Call the function X in the code. X can be any valid callable symbol which is defined in the code, but must be fully qualified.
generic Call any generic Julia code such as x -> x + 1
function Call a function with no arguments. This is syntactic sugar for generic, but is useful to explicitly state that we are calling a function. This was introduced to make it expicit when a function is being called in a Flux.Chain, e.g. a flatten
constant Return a constant

Custom types can be registered using the custom function. More on that later.


Each configuration layer also has an associated args key. The value of this must be a Vector{Any} and has the following interpretations:

Type Value Interpretation of args
:X Call X(args...)
generic The generic Julia code to call. Must be a Vector of length 1
function The function to call (same as generic)
constant The constant value to return

For example:

type = "generic"
args = ["x -> x + 1"]

will return the anonymous function x -> x + 1. As another example, the following will fail:

type = "generic"
args = ["x -> x + 1", "x -> x - 1"]

Since the generic type takes only a single argument.

To create an object/struct, we actually need to refer to it by its symbol. To create a Flux.Dense:

type = ":(Main.Example.Dense)"
args = [10, 3, ":(Main.Example.relu)"]

As you can see, we also referred to the activation function by its symbol :relu. In general, whenever we access symbols in the code, we must specify them in the configuration file as a symbol, and this symbol must be fully qualified. That is, we must refer to its full name, beginning with the Main module. If in your code you import package X which defines a symbol x, then in general to refer to this symbol you must use :(Main.X.x) in the configuration file. The exception to this is the generic type, where we do not access symbols by their symbol representation, but names must be fully qualified still. For example, we would refer to name x in package X as Main.X.x in a generic type.


Keyword arguments for layer [1...x] are placed in a dictionary at [1...x.kwargs] where the ... refers to any number of nested sub-configurations. For example, the keyword arguments for layer [1.x.y] are placed at [1.x.y.kwargs]. Each keyword argument is simply listed as a key-value pair:

":key1" = value1
":key2" = value2

Note that the keys are represented as Julia symbols (start with a :) and must be wrapped in ".

Only the :X builtin type takes keyword arguments. If keyword arguments are specified for any other builtin type, then an error will be raised. Custom types can be implemented to take keyword arguments.



The syntax :X allows us to create a struct or run a function with the symbol X. To this function, we can pass in any arguments using the args key, or we can create a subtree below this node, where each path in the subtree will denote a sequential argument. If the :X node is at position 1.x in the tree, then the yth argument to :X will be at position 1.x.y. Hence, we have an ordering of arguments. The benefit to this approach is that any argument to the function can be a subtree of many, many elements, and so it's easy to construct complex objects or call functions on complex objects.

For example, if we want to create struct A, but struct A takes in struct B, which takes in struct C to their respective arguments, we can easily do the following:

type = ":(Main.Example.A)"

type = ":(Main.Example.B)"

type = ":(Main.Example.C)"

# Arguments to create C, where y = 1, 2, 3, ...

# Other arguments to create B, where x = 2, 3, 4, ...

# Other arguments to create A, where z = 2, 3, 4, ...

This effectively creates an object similarly to calling A(B(C(...), ...), ...) in the Example module.

One caveat to using :X is that names must be fully qualified unless the name is accessible from the Julia REPL without importing any other modules. That is, any Julia symbol in Base can be used without being fully qualified. Other than that, you any symbol must be fully qualified, where the qualification refers to the symbol as imported in the current module. For example, if Flux.jl is imported, then we refer to the Flux.Dense as Main.Example.Dense or Main.Example.Flux.Dense, not Flux.Dense. So, this type is better named :(X) instead of :X, but :X seems like a nicer name.

The drawback of using :X instead of generic is that all symbols in the code have to be referred to as symbols, otherwise it's impossible to tell when the configuration is specifying a String or some object referred to by a Symbol. The benefit that :X has over generic is that it's much more powerful and can create very complex hierarchies of objects.


With the generic type, we can call any arbitrary Julia code by passing the code as a single argument in args. The benefit of using generic is that we don't have to refer to anything by symbols.


With the constant type, we can return any constant value, defined by the single value in the args array. If length(args) != 0, we'll get an error.

Calling Functions or Creating Objects Defined in the Code

One awesome feature is that if a function or struct is defined in your Julia code, then that code can be called from the configuration file! Well, not exactly, but almost! Really, the configuration is deferred to runtime, so when we create an object, we can just run some functions and put the returned values in the call tree.

For example, if you have a function f defined in your code with a variable x defined in your code, then you can easily refer to this in the configuration file. In a generic type, you would call Main.Example.f(x), and in a :X type, you would call :(Main.Example.f(x)). Remember though that the names must be fully qualified so that Construct.jl knows what you are talking about.

Custom types

Custom types can be implemented in two way. First, you can just make a custom struct and then use a configuration file to create it. Second, you can register a function to be called on a specific type using the custom method. For example, calling Construct.custom(type, f) will cause f to be called with args and kwargs whenever type is encountered in a configuration file. For example if custom("agent", start_agent) is called in your code then whenever a configuration file has something like:

type = "agent"
args = [...]

then start_agent(args...; kwargs...) will be called when parsing the configuration file.

To Do

  • For kwargs, don't require ":" to precede the name as it's clear that for any kwarg we must change it to a symbol anyway.
  • Document usage of Main
  • Fix the descriptions of types, args and kwargs. It is very unclear in this readme. The Construct.py readme is much more clear. Use that description.