- 0
- 1
- 14
Error on sign in with google
#58 opened by rahulkumarsingh73690 - 2
- 1
Security issue with email link authentication: Should not pass the user’s email in the redirect URL parameters
#74 opened by martinblostein - 2
#65 opened by sesam - 1
0.8.8 released?
#66 opened by sesam - 2
Accommodate google one-tap sign in option
#60 opened by stevenhales - 6
- 2
Feature Request: Support SSR
#50 opened by arunmenon1975 - 1
Non-browser support
#57 opened by yankeeinlondon - 4
- 2
sendOobCode issue
#55 opened by ochemerys - 3
- 7
sendOobCode flow email parameter
#49 opened by daaku - 3
Support Node env
#48 opened by universse - 6
Firestore rules authentication
#45 opened by JoshRozin - 4
Switch to IndexedDB
#26 opened by telesvar - 0
- 0
- 6
Fix docs and update dependencies
#37 opened by telesvar - 5
Capture Invalid Token id error on creation
#32 opened by JCWardle - 3
What's the flow for Email Verification?
#35 opened by waleedshkt - 3
- 8
Better to Add Function for Fetching User Data as Optional in Both SignUp and SignIn Methods?
#30 opened by waleedshkt - 2
Need Typescript support
#31 opened by pmdy - 6
Correct auth.resetPassword() API Reference
#29 opened by waleedshkt - 58
- 4
Multi-tenancy support?
#28 opened by ololoepepe - 4
Get ID's when querying a collection.
#27 opened by axriosn - 1
Retrieve user data from cache first
#23 opened by samuelgozi - 5
Is it production ready
#25 opened by pierrebiver - 6
- 6
cannot use import statement outside a module
#17 opened by JCWardle - 4
- 3
Don't sign-in automatically on sign-up
#21 opened by fidelix - 3
[Suggestion] : Should throw errors as constants to simplify internationalization
#18 opened by mkhennoussi - 15
- 4
#16 opened by telesvar - 2
User logged in/out only on current tab
#14 opened by josemurillodev - 8
Support for other storage providers?
#7 opened by awinograd - 1
Currently published version has error
#13 opened by AlexMeah - 1
onStateChange is not defined
#10 opened by vivekweb2013 - 2
Features needed in order to get to 1.0
#2 opened by samuelgozi - 1