Udacity project for the Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree Program.
In order to test the project, you can either build and serve it locally or use the hosted version(with the Local Development API Server running on your machine.)
This should be pretty simple, just install and run the "Local Development API Server" on your machine and visit: https://restaurant-reviews-26769.firebaseapp.com/
To build and run locally you need to:
- Build the project and serve it.
- Run the "Local Development API Server"
First clone and install all the dependencies by running:
$ npm install
Then build and run the local version by running:
$ npm run start
Now the project is running on localhost:8000 but we have one thing left.
Run the "Local Development API Server" which can be found here: https://github.com/udacity/mws-restaurant-stage-3
All the code resides inside the src
In there you will find three sub folders:
- All files and folders will be copied as is intodist/
- All the javascript filesstyle
- All the css styles
The project is currently in Stage 3 and complies with the stage 3 rubic:
- Fully Responsive - DONE
- Fully accessible - DONE
- Pages that were visited are fully accesible offline: DONE
- Lighthohuse audits score(consistently) over 90: DONE
NOTE: I intentionally didn't use any polyfills for new features, I intended it to be used in new browsers.