
No mouse movement with Xidi installed (Psygnosis Lander)

abrenneke opened this issue · 2 comments

Been trying to get Lander working with Xidi but no luck so far. When dinput.dll is present, I can't move the mouse in the game any more.

Any help is appreciated!

Okay the log file went to my desktop, should maybe document that (assuming that's normal):


If I disable Xidi presenting its controllers here, and only leave this part, then the mouse starts working again.

I think of note is that the logs when all devices are presented look like this:

[01/20/2024 18:35:14] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "Mouse" (instance GUID {6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:35:14] [D] Application has terminated enumeration.

The logs when only the non-controller devices are presented looks like this:

[01/20/2024 18:30:34] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "Mouse" (instance GUID {6f1d2b60-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:34] [I] Binding to the system mouse device. Xidi will not handle communication with it.
[01/20/2024 18:30:44] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "Keyboard" (instance GUID {6f1d2b61-d5a0-11cf-bfc7-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:44] [I] Binding to the system keyboard device. Xidi will not handle communication with it.
[01/20/2024 18:30:47] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "USB Keyboard" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8007-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:55] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "COUGAR 700M Gaming Mouse" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8004-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:56] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "COUGAR 700M Gaming Mouse" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8005-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:57] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "COUGAR 700M Gaming Mouse" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8006-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:57] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "USB Keyboard" (instance GUID {ce5784d0-3746-11e7-8010-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:58] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "COUGAR 700M Gaming Mouse" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8008-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:58] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "COUGAR 700M Gaming Mouse" (instance GUID {ce4adaa0-3746-11e7-8009-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:58] [I] Enumerate: Presenting DirectInput device "Controller (Xbox One For Windows)" (instance GUID {3878da00-f310-11e7-8003-444553540000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:30:58] [I] Binding to non-XInput device "Controller (Xbox One For Windows)" with instance GUID {3878da00-f310-11e7-8003-444553540000}. Xidi will not handle communication with it.
[01/20/2024 18:30:58] [D] Finished enumerating DirectInput devices.

So, for some reason the game is terminating enumeration immediately after getting the Mouse device, and never binding to the device.

If I first present the non-controller devices, then the Xidi devices, the mouse still works, and the (end of) the logs look like this:

[01/20/2024 18:43:40] [I] Enumerate: Presenting Xidi virtual controller 2 (instance GUID {0002ffff-0000-0000-5849-444956430000}) to the application.
[01/20/2024 18:43:40] [D] Application has terminated enumeration.

Looking at the logs in both cases there are 4 "Binding to" log lines. I think this means that after binding 4 devices, the game terminates enumeration. Looks like ActiveVirtualControllerMask fixes the problem!

My goal is to get Steam Input working, which still isn't, so working on that now...