
Richard Burns Rally fails to launch with Xidi

Tobe95 opened this issue · 1 comments

There are 2 lines that seem a bit odd and I think might be caused by Steam Input:

Binding to non-XInput device "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)" with instance GUID {9e573edf-7734-11d2-8d4a-23903fb6bdf7}. Xidi will not handle communication with it.

and then shortly afterwards:

DirectInput device "Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)" with instance GUID {9e573ede-7734-11d2-8d4a-23903fb6bdf7} supports XInput and will not be presented to the application.

I'm on Steam Deck which mimics an Xbox 360 Controller but somehow also hooks into dinput in order to support older games, no force feedback though...

Since Xidi is working successfully with other games however, I'm not sure if this is the reason for the crash.
The log file ends with:

Rejecting application data format due to non-optional object at index 1: No matching virtual controller element is available for selection.

Is the game requesting some currently unimplemented feature here that Xidi rejects, or is there no suitable input device that can be presented to the application, possibly due to the above?

I'm using the dev build of Xidi from #71 because the issue looks similar.


It does indeed look similar to #71. The property that Xidi uses to determine whether or not XInput is supported really should not be changing. I'll need to investigate if there is a negative interaction between Xidi and Steam Input or if there's something else going on.