
A simple Golang Team Speak server query library

Primary LanguageGo

A simple TS3 Server Query API in GO

Written for the Eve Online alliance Boom & because I felt like learning GO...

This library is in early development and does not provide full coverage for all Team Speak Query Commands. The full query command reference can be found here. If you want to execute a command that has not been implemented in the library, you can use the [Get function] (https://github.com/samuelgrant/Teamspeak-GO/wiki#func-get-custom-commands). Documentation for the implemented commands can be found in the wiki.

Issues and Feature requests

While this library has been developed for a specific group, feel free to use, fork and open pull requests or open issues to report bugs or request features.


Unlike the old server query which uses Telnet, this library uses the new WebQuery over HTTP/HTTPS. You will need a Team Speak server running version 3.12.0 or later. Start the server with the command ./ts3server query_protocols=raw,ssh,http,https.

Docker Configuration
version: '3'
        image: teamspeak
        command: ['ts3server', 'query_protocols=raw,ssh,http,https']
            - 9987:9987/udp
            - 10011:10011
            - 30033:30033
            - 10080:10080
            TS3SERVER_LICENSE: accept

Creating an API Key

The WebQuery requires API calls to be sent with an authentication header x-api-key: {api token}. While API tokens must have one of three scopes (outlined below), this library requires the manage scope to function correctly. New API keys have a lifetime of 14 days, but you can override this using the lifetime= parameter, using lifetime=0 will stop the API key from expiring.


  • manage
  • read, or,
  • write

Creating an API Token using Telnet Server Query

Telnet <server address> <port> //localhost 10011
login <query username> <query password> // Use the query account generated when the server ran for the first time
apikeyadd scope=manage lifetime=0

Example Output

apikey=<api token> id=4 sid=0 cldbid=1 scope=manage time_left=unlimited created_at=1592602125 expires_at=1592602125
error id=0 msg=ok

Simple Usage

The example below assumes your code is in the main function of main.go

  // These variables should come from environment variables and not be in your source code
  host, apikey := "localhost:10080": "<api key>"

  // Logging is disabled by default

  // This needs to be done before you can make API calls
  ts3.ConfigureHttp(apiKey, host)

  // The default virtual server is 1
  // Override that at any time using the function below

  // We can discard all results of a function
  ts3.ServerGlobalMessage("Global text message sent to the server")
  // or we can grab the results of a function and handle errors/results
  qres, servers, err := ts3.ServersList()
  if err != nil || !qres.IsSuccess() {
    // handle error

For a full list of supported command and a description on response types please view the wiki.

Old Example (Old) - Prior to v1.0.0-alpha

Applies to releases before v1.0.0-alpha

The example below assumes your code is in the main function of main.go

package main

import (

	ts3 "github.com/samuelgrant/Teamspeak-GO"

func main() {
  // These variables should come from environment variables and not be in your source code
  address, port, username, password := "localhost": "10011", "<query username>", "<query user password>"

  // Library logging is disabled by default, you can change this setting at any time using the function below

  // Connect the library to your Team Speak server and get a connection object
  client, err := ts3.Connect(address + ":" + port)
  if err != nil {
    // Handle errors here.
    // If an error has occurred here you cannot go any further until you fix the problem

  // Login to the server
  err = client.Login(username, password)
  if err != nil {
    // Handle errors here.
    // If you got this far you connected to the server, but you were not able to login. Check you have the correct login credentials for a server query account

  // Select a virtual server - Every command except for Start, Stop, ServerList and Use require that you have selected a virtual server
  // You can change the selected virtual server at any time using the command below
  qres, err := client.Use(sid)//Virtual Server Id
  if err != nil || !qres.IsSuccess {
    // Handle errors here.
    // Most commands return a queryResponse struct. If an err is not returned but the command fails the query response (qres) will have a message explaining why your command was rejected

  // Example of a library command
  // The Team Speak server query requires that parameters with spaces, tabs and new lines be escaped.
  // Library functions will handle this for you. If you are creating your own command you can do that using the `Escape()` function
  res, err = client.GlobalMessage("Message string")

  // Using Exec to fire a custom command
  // The exec function will always return a second parameter of type string.
  // Depending on the response from Team Speak this could be an empty string or data requested from the server.
  // You can discard this value by using an underscore `res, _, err :=`
  res, msg, err := client.Exec("clientmove clid=%v cid=%v", 7, 13)