Hello future us! things to bear in mind :


at the moment, the show always start with a default intro, then displays one of three scenarios ("rap" / "berceuse" / "lettre"). It goes like this :

  • the /show page loads the default intro stored in show.js
  • included in this data are two QCMs (humeur & tutoiement)
  • the answer to these QCMs is stored in a reactive dict (savedAnswers) defined in feed.js
  • at the end of the default intro there is a data bubble which is responsible for getting the rest of the data for the show (the appropriate scenario, one of "rap", "berceuse", or "lettre").

BE ADVISED : changing the default intro data stored in show.js can have side effects because of how the data bubbles decide to load data.


Bubbles are the standard component displayed in the feed. Bubbles can be one of two categories : static bubbles and blocking bubbles. When the feed layout is rendered, it will look in its data, and add all the static bubbles it finds until it encounters a blocking bubble, which will cause it to pause.


static bubbles are chain-added to the feed without waiting for user action.

  • text only

      type: "SB", 
      text: "ok super c'est fini!" 
  • sticker (WIP)

      type: "SB", 
      name: "sticker" 
  • subscribe (only used in waiting template)

      type: "SB", 
      name: "mailForm" 
  • link (only used in waiting template)

      type: "SB", 
      name: "linkNoFuturs" 


blocking bubbles are only added to the feed one at a time. User action is required before adding the next element to the feed.

  • getScenario bubble (loads the appropriate scenario after the intro. The label changes when the data is loaded)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "getScenario",
      label: "chargement..."
  • Card bubble (displays a "club travail" card, which in turn will add a "form" bubble to the feed when clicked)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "card.test",
      size: "m" / "s" / "l", 
        "Cliquez sur moi svp",
  • Play bubble (displays a button to get next feed elements)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "play",
      label: "continuer"
  • End bubble (displays a button to go to songs templates)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "end",
      label: "conclure"


these bubbles should not be added to the data array. They are automatically added by card components when they are clicked.

  • Form bubble (created by the card bubble, passing its size attr and name)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "form.test",
      save : undefined / true
      size: "s",
  • QCM bubble (created by the card bubble, passing its name attr)

      type: "---BB---",
      name: "qcm.test",
      save : undefined / true
      qcmOption : ["oui", "non"]


data bubbles are rendered inside bubbles which need to subscribe to data from the server (mongodb). They do not exist in the feed.

  • getScenario bubble (which is rendered inside the getScenario blocking bubble)

  • spy bubble (rendered inside the form component, it's used to display what the last person on the website answered to the same question)

What needs refactoring

we went a bit crazy with data-something attributes to store data directly in the html for click events. Where to store state or data is a bit confusing, sometimes it's in the miniMongo client-side collection, sometimes it's directly in the html. I guess i did that to not use Meteor's reactivity when it wasn't necessary and to keep database reading to a minimum, but it might be good to define clearly what is stored in hmtl datasets and what is in the miniMongo collection.

Also the wild-ass string formating with regexes to go from a card name "card_test" to a form name "form_test" to the database is a bit messy. As of today the database answers are identified with "form_test" names for instance.