
Docker Image for EGSnrc

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A Docker image for running EGSnrc simulations.

On its own the image is not much use as no user codes have been compiled. Instead it is intended to be used as a base for images containing compiled user codes for specific uses. It is assumed these simulations will be running headlessly (i.e. without a GUI).

Using the image

We can pull the latest image from Docker Hub and start a new container based on it in a single step.

$ docker run -it samuelharmer/egsnrc
root@ec13bbaf593e:~# exit

Or we can use a specific version of EGSnrc.

$ docker run -it samuelharmer/egsnrc:v2018

From within a container we can now test it by making the tutor7pp user code, and running it.

root@4ec00661c701:~# make -C $EGS_HOME/tutor7pp
root@4ec00661c701:~# tutor7pp -i test1 -p $HEN_HOUSE/pegs4/data/tutor_data.pegs4dat

Building the image

We can build this image ourselves locally.

$ docker build -t egsnrc

Assuming the build succeeded, we now want to tag this ready for pushing to Docker Hub.

$ docker tag egsnrc samuelharmer/egsnrc
$ docker tag egsnrc samuelharmer/egsnrc:v2018

Now we can login to Docker Hub, and upload the new image.

$ docker login -u samuelharmer
$ docker push samuelharmer/egsnrc