
V2ray client container with SOCKS5/HTTP/DNS proxy and QR code support. Running on x86 and arm/arm64 (Raspberry Pi)

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V2ray client container with SOCKS5/HTTP/DNS proxy and QR code support. Running on x86 and arm/arm64 (Raspberry Pi).


[Optional] How to build proxy-v2ray docker image

$ git clone https://github.com/samuelhbne/proxy-v2ray.git
$ cd proxy-v2ray
$ docker build -t samuelhbne/proxy-v2ray:amd64 -f Dockerfile.amd64 .


  • Please replace Dockerfile.amd64 with the Dockerfile.ARCH match your server accordingly. For example: Dockerfile.arm for 32bit Raspbian, Dockerfile.arm64 for 64bit Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi.

How to start proxy-v2ray container

$ docker run --rm -it samuelhbne/proxy-v2ray:amd64
proxy-v2ray -h|--host <v2ray-host> -u|--uuid <vmess-uuid> [-p|--port <port-num>] [-l|--level <level>] [-a|--alterid <alterid>] [-s|--security <client-security>] [--wp <websocket-path>] [--sni <sni-hostname>] [--no-ssl]
    -h|--host <v2ray-host>            V2ray server host name or IP address
    -u|--uuid <vmess-uuid>            Vmess UUID for initial V2ray connection
    -p|--port <port-num>              [Optional] Port number for V2ray connection, default 443
    -l|--level <level>                [Optional] Level number for V2ray service access, default 0
    -a|--alterid <alterid>            [Optional] AlterID number for V2ray service access, default 16
    -s|--security <client-security>   [Optional] V2ray client security setting, default 'auto'
    --wp <websocket-path>             [Optional] Connect via websocket with given websocket-path, e.g. '/wsocket'
    --sni <sni-hostname>              [Optional] SNI hostname when connect via websocket, default same as v2ray-host
    --no-ssl                          [Optional] Disable ssl support when connect via websocket, only for testing

$ docker run --name proxy-v2ray -p 21080:1080 -p 65353:53/udp -p 28123:8123 -d samuelhbne/proxy-v2ray:amd64 -h -u bec24d96-410f-4723-8b3b-46987a1d9ed8 --wp /wsocket --sni mydomain.duckdns.org


  • Please replace "amd64" with the arch match the current box accordingly. For example: "arm64" for AWS ARM64 platform like A1, t4g instance or 64bit Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi. "arm" for 32bit Raspbian.
  • Please replace "" with the v2ray server hotsname/IP you want to connect
  • Please replace 21080 with the port number you want for SOCKS5 proxy TCP listerning.
  • Please replace 28123 with the port number you want for HTTP proxy TCP listerning.
  • Please replace 65353 with the port number you want for DNS UDP listerning.
  • Please replace "bec24d96-410f-4723-8b3b-46987a1d9ed8" with the uuid you want to set for V2ray server access.

How to verify if proxy tunnel is working properly

$ curl -sSx socks5h:// http://ifconfig.co

$ curl -sSx http://ifconfig.co

$ dig +short @ -p 65353 twitter.com

$ docker exec -it proxy-v2ray proxychains whois|grep OrgId
[proxychains] config file found: /etc/proxychains/proxychains.conf
[proxychains] preloading /usr/lib/libproxychains4.so
[proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.14
[proxychains] Strict chain  ...  ...  whois.arin.net:43  ...  OK
OrgId:          TWITT


  • curl should return the VPN server address given above if SOCKS5/HTTP proxy works properly.
  • dig should return resolved IP recorders of twitter.com if DNS server works properly.
  • Whois should return "OrgId: TWITT". That means the IP address returned from dig query belongs to twitter.com indeed, hence untaminated.
  • Whois was actually running inside the proxy container through the proxy tunnel to avoid potential access blocking.
  • Please have a look over the sibling project server-v2ray if you'd like to set a V2ray server.

How to get the V2Ray QR code for mobile connection

$ docker exec -it proxy-v2ray /status.sh
V2Ray-vmess-URI: vmess://eydhZGQnOicxMi4zNC41Ni43OCcsJ2FpZCc6JzE2JywnaWQnOidiZWMyNGQ5Ni00MTBmLTQ3MjMtOGIzYi00Njk4N2ExZDllZDgnLCduZXQnOid0Y3AnLCdwb3J0JzonMTAwODYnLCdwcyc6J1ZMUC1WMlJBWSd9Cg==

QR code example

How to stop and remove the running container

$ docker stop proxy-v2ray
$ docker rm proxy-v2ray