
Install / Configure Docker and Docker Compose using Ansible.

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What is ansible-docker? Build Status

It is an Ansible role to:

  • Install Docker (editions, channels and version pinning are all supported)
  • Install Docker Compose
  • Manage login credentials for 1 or more public or private Docker registries
  • Configure 1 or more users to run Docker without needing root access
  • Configure the Docker daemon's options and environment variables
  • Configure a cron job to run Docker clean up commands

Why would you want to use this role?

If you're like me, you probably love Docker. This role provides everything you need to get going with a production ready Docker host.

By the way, if you don't know what Docker is, or are looking to become an expert with it then check out Dive into Docker: The Complete Docker Course for Developers.

Supported platforms

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic)
  • Debian 9 (Stretch)

You are viewing the master branch's documentation which might be ahead of the latest release. Switch to the latest release.

Quick start

The philosophy for all of my roles is to make it easy to get going, but provide a way to customize nearly everything.

What's configured by default?

The latest Docker CE will be installed, Docker Compose will be installed, Docker disk clean up will happen once a week and Docker container logs will be rotated at 1mb file sizes 10,000 times (10GB of disk space will be used at max).

Example playbook


# site.yml

- name: Example
  hosts: "all"
  become: true

    - { role: "nickjj.docker", tags: ["docker"] }

Usage: ansible-playbook site.yml -t docker


$ ansible-galaxy install nickjj.docker

Default role variables

Installing Docker

# Do you want to use "ce" (community edition) or "ee" (enterprise edition)?
docker__edition: "ce"

# Do you want to use the "stable", "edge", "testing" or "nightly" channels?
# Add more than 1 channel by separating each one with a space.
docker__channel: "stable"

# When set to "latest" this role will always attempt to install the latest
# version based on the channel you selected. This could lead to something like
# Docker 18.06 being installed today but then a year from now, re-running the
# role will result in 19.06 or whatever Docker happens to use a year from now.
# If you want to pin a version simply put "18.06", "18.06.1" or whatever version
# you want. Even if you update your package list and newer Docker versions are
# available this role will stick to the pinned version on all future runs.
docker__version: "latest"

Installing Docker Compose

# Do you want to also install Docker Compose? When set to False, Docker Compose
# will not get installed or will be removed if it were installed previously.
docker__install_docker_compose: true

# If Docker Compose is being installed, which version do you want to use?
docker__compose_version: "1.23.0"

# If Docker Compose is being installed, where should it be downloaded from?
docker__compose_download_url: "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/{{ docker__compose_version }}/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64"

Configuring users to run Docker without root

A list of users to be added to the docker group.

Keep in mind this user needs to already exist, this role will not create it. If you want to create users, check out my user role.

This role does not configure User Namespaces or any other security features by default. If the user you add here has SSH access to your server then you're effectively giving them root access to the server since they can run Docker without sudo and volume mount in any path on your file system.

In a controlled environment this is safe, but like anything security related it's worth knowing this up front. You can enable User Namespaces and any other options with the docker__daemon_json variable which is explained later.

docker__users: []

# For example, if you have a user of "admin" you could set this.
docker__users: ["admin"]

Configuring Docker registry logins

Login to 1 or more Docker registries (such as the Docker Hub) so that the Docker CLI can interact with private repos.

  - #registry_url: "https://index.docker.io/v1/"
    username: "your_docker_hub_username"
    password: "your_docker_hub_password"
    #email: "your_docker_hub@emailaddress.com"
    #reauthorize: false
    #system_user: "root"
    #state: "present"
docker__registries: []

Items prefixed with * are required.

  • registry_url defaults to https://index.docker.io/v1/
  • *username is your Docker registry username
  • *password is your Docker registry password
  • email defaults to not being used (not all registries use it)
  • reauthorize defaults to false, when true it updates your credentials
  • system_user defaults to the first user in docker__users OR "root" if that's empty
  • state defaults to "present", when "absent" the login will be removed

Configuring log rotation for Docker container logs

# How large should each Docker log file be? You can set -1 for unlimited.
# You can use "k" to denote kilobytes, "m" for megabytes and "g" for gigabytes.
# Here's 3 example sizes showcasing the format: 100k, 100m and 10g
docker__default_daemon_json_log_max_size: "1m"

# Docker rotates its own container logs. How many rotations do you want to keep
# on disk? With a size of 1m and 10,000 rotations, that would be a max of 10gb
# of disk space.
docker__default_daemon_json_log_max_file: 10000

Configuring the Docker daemon options (json)

Default Docker daemon options as they would appear in /etc/docker/daemon.json.

docker__default_daemon_json: |
  "log-driver": "json-file",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "{{ docker__default_daemon_json_log_max_size }}",
    "max-file": "{{ docker__default_daemon_json_log_max_file }}"

# Add your own additional daemon options without overriding the default options.
# It follows the same format as the default options, and don't worry about
# starting it off with a comma. The template will add the comma if needed.
docker__daemon_json: ""

Configure the Docker daemon options (flags)

Flags that are set when starting the Docker daemon cannot be changed in the daemon.json file. By default Docker sets -H unix:// which means that option cannot be changed with the json options.

Add or change the starting Docker daemon flags by supplying them exactly how they would appear on the command line.

# Each command line flag should be its own item in the list.
# Using a Docker version prior to 18.09?
#   You must set `-H fd://` instead of `-H unix://`.
  - "-H unix://"

If you don't supply some type of -H flag here, Docker will fail to start.

Configuring the Docker daemon environment variables

docker__daemon_environment: []

# For example, here's how to set a couple of proxy environment variables.
  - "HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.example.com:80"
  - "HTTPS_PROXY=https://proxy.example.com:443"

Configuring advanced systemd directives

This role lets the Docker package manage its own systemd unit file and adjusts things like the Docker daemon flags and environment variables by using the systemd override pattern.

If you know what you're doing, you can override any of Docker's systemd directives by setting this variable. Anything you place in this string will be written to /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/custom.conf as is.

docker__systemd_override: ""

Configuring Docker related cron jobs

By default this will safely clean up disk space used by Docker every Sunday at midnight. Keep in mind the -a flag will remove unused images which is useful if you version your images (that can really add up in disk space).

  - name: "Docker disk clean up"
    job: docker system prune -af &> /dev/null
    schedule: ["0", "0", "*", "*", "0"]
    cron_file: "docker-disk-clean-up"
    #user: "{{ (docker__users | first) | default('root') }}"
    #state: "present"

Items prefixed with * are required.

  • *name is the cron job's description
  • *job is the command to run in the cron job
  • *schedule is the standard cron job format for every Sunday at midnight
  • *cron_file writes a cron file to /etc/cron.d instead of a user's individual crontab
  • user defaults to the first user in docker__users OR root if the users list is empty
  • state defaults to "present", when "absent" the cron file will be removed

Configuring the APT package manager

Docker requires a few dependencies to be installed for it to work. You shouldn't have to edit any of these settings.

If you're curious about python-pip, it's because Ansible's docker_login and docker_service modules require installing the docker pip package.

  - "apt-transport-https"
  - "ca-certificates"
  - "cron"
  - "gnupg2"
  - "python-pip"
  - "software-properties-common"

# The Docker GPG key id used to sign the Docker package.
docker__apt_key_id: "9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88"

# The Docker GPG key server address.
docker__apt_key_server: "https://download.docker.com/linux/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }}/gpg"

# The Docker APT repository.
docker__apt_repository: "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ docker__channel }}"

Trying to figure out how to downgrade Docker?

If you want to downgrade Docker, the easiest way to do it would be to uninstall the Docker package manually and then run this role afterwards while pinning whatever specific Docker version you want.

# An ad-hoc Ansible command to remove the Docker CE package on all hosts.
ansible all -m apt -a "name=docker-ce state=absent purge=true"
