
PWA's are the future of applications so i make the best mobile app as one

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I want beer now

alt text Live site

PWA's are the future of applications. When ibeer dropped on the app store it became the most downloaded app on the store and was a sign that applications were the future of technology. 10 years have past since that was true and lots has changed in society. People no longer download new apps as the majority of what people want to do has been put in two 4-5 apps on there home screen. While app store apps installs have been dropping websites have been still growing. I don’t want ibeer to be lost to time so we have bought it into the world of 2018. This PWA can be installed onto your home screen and used offline,

this was built for clipchamp hackathon 2018


  1. Liquid simulation
  2. Offline support
  3. Install prompt
  4. Info website for desktop
  5. Beer sounds

This app is a PWA

alt text

The PWA is only 91 in this benchmark as the performance brings it down. Chrome's Aduit tool thinks the app is running constantly because of our use of p5. In the real world this PWA is 100% and load times are under 1 second

Install and run

npm install
npm run dev

alt text Live site