Setoko Chat Package

A new flutter plugin project.

Contribution Rules

  1. create branch always from develop
  2. naming sub folder branch
    a. feature for creating new feature
    b. bugfix for fixing issue
    c. refactor for refactoring code
    d. hotfix for fixing quikly for deploy the library 
        - feature/branchNaming
        - bugfix/branchNaming
        - hotfix/branchNaming
        - refactor/branchNaming
  3. give the prefix for commit message header and always give sub message for the changes commit
    a. feat for new feature
    b. fix for fixing any issue 
    c. refactor for refactoring code 
    d. deploy for deploy new version
        - feat: integration sendbird
          - Integration API Sendbird
          - Create logic for message
          - Create ui sendbird
        - fix: integration sendbird
          - fixing null pointer 
        - refactor: integration sendbird 
          - cleaning code 
        - deploy: integration sendbird 
          - increase version
  4. for version please follow for semantic version
  5. for merge to production or staging please request merge request to maintain our quality code