
A fully custom network chart rendered using Highcharts SVG Renderer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A custom network chart rendered using Highcharts SVG Renderer. A network chart connects a node with its similar nodes, the distance between the center and the node shows their similarity. The greater the distance of a node from center, lesser its similarity with the center node.

Dependency: Highcharts

This generates a custom network chart based on the options passed. You can instantate the chart by passing the data to NetworkChart. It also has click event by default to select points on the chart.

var chart = new customChart.NetworkChart({
      data: ['Your', 'data', 'goes', 'here']
    selector: 'container_id',
    themeColor: 'only_hex_color',
       select: callBackFn

The radius and distance of bubbles from the center is random and can be overridden according to the value provided to them.


You can directly select a point using the select() method. Pass in the value of the point to be selected.


You can update the chart by passing new data to the update() method. Pass in a new array to the method to redraw the chart.

chart.update(['this', 'is', 'updated', 'data', 'yay'])


1. Create Tooltip

2. Make the chart fully customisable


View the demo on https://samuellawrentz.github.io/highcharts-networkChart/

Implementation Demo: https://codepen.io/samuellawrentz/pen/OwbNqP

Keep refreshing the site to see the bubbles changing radius and distance from the center ;)

PS: This chart was initially created for learning about Highcharts SVG Renderer :)