
My NeoVim Config

Primary LanguageLua

Sam's Neovim Configuration

Introducing Sam's Neovim Configuration, a personalized setup for the hippest text editor in town. 🕶️ This groovy configuration is packed with plugins that'll turbocharge your productivity and make you feel like a coding rockstar. 🚀


Behold the magnificent Plugins:

telescope: A fuzzy finder to help you find files and stuff faster than a caffeinated squirrel. 🐿️

nvim-tree: A trusty file explorer so sleek, even James Bond would be jealous. 🕵️‍♂️

lualine: A customizable status line that tells you everything you need to know, like a wise fortune-teller. 🔮

treesitter: A syntax highlighting wizard who brings life to your code, making it as vibrant as a neon retrowave sunset. 🌆

rosepine: A colorscheme that's so enchanting, it'll turn your coding session into a magical fairytale. ✨🧚‍♀️

which-key: A helpful plugin that shows you the key to happiness... I mean, key mappings. Because who needs happiness anyway? 😜

zen_mode: A plugin for Vim that creates a distraction-free coding environment. It brings tranquility and focus to your coding experience. 🧘‍♀️

neoAI: An AI-powered Vim assistant that offers intelligent code suggestions and refactoring options. It enhances your coding efficiency and accuracy. 🤖💡

harpoon: A navigation tool for Vim that provides seamless movement between files, buffers, and tags. It helps you effortlessly navigate your codebase. ⚓🌊

nvim-lsp-zero: A lightweight LSP client for Neovim that provides code completion, diagnostics, and other language server features. It's a powerful tool for writing code. 🛠️

Installation is easy-peasy

Just have Neovim installed, clone the repo, and move the goodies to ~/.config/nvim/. Boom! You're ready to rock and roll! 🤘


Fire up Neovim, bask in the awesomeness, and prepare for unstoppable coding bliss. Customize the config to your heart's desire by tweaking the files in ~/.config/nvim/. It's like sculpting your own coding utopia. 🌈

That's all, folks! Get ready to code, laugh, and conquer the universe. May your bugs be rare, your code be elegant, and your coffee be strong. ☕ Happy vimming! 😎

I use native LSP which is awesome