

Ziyu Liu, zl3220
Zelin Wang, zw2852

Project files


How to run

  1. Download Proj1.tar.gz to the repo folder, and uncompress it. Open

  2. Install dependencies:

pip install google-api-python-client
pip install nltk
  1. Download nltk stopwords and punkt:
python -m nltk.downloader stopwords punkt
  1. Add your Google Custom Search Engine JSON API Key and Engine ID to
api_key = "AIzaSyBe5rpBXOaw4IW8piccWUA0VZ9gNhUMWgY"
eng_id = "497c7780958f3ec5b"
  1. Run the program:
python AIzaSyBe5rpBXOaw4IW8piccWUA0VZ9gNhUMWgY 497c7780958f3ec5b [PRECISION] [QUERY]

Internal design

The InfoRetrieval class contains several methods to perform the search and query modification. tokenize method is used to tokenize the search query and removeNonLetter method is used to remove non-letter characters. removeStopWords method is used to remove stop words. clean method returns a list of clean words from the documents. cal_tf method computes the term frequency of every word in a document, and cal_idf method computes the IDF of all the words in one document. cal_tfIdf method calculates the tfIDF of all words in relevant documents, and get_top2 method returns the 2 words with the highest tfIdf. reordering method reorders the query based on the average positions of the words in the documents. feedback method records user's feedback on whether a document is relevant or not.

The main method performs the search and query modification. The desired precision is set by the threshold parameter. If precision is not achieved, the program keeps running until the desired precision is met or no relevant results are returned. In each iteration, feedback method is called to get the relevant documents, and cal_tfIdf, get_top2, and reordering methods are used to modify the search query. Finally, when the desired precision is achieved, the program outputs the final query.

Query-modification method

The query-modification method works as follows:

  1. Get feedback from the user on the first set of results.
  2. Calculate the tfIdf of all words in the relevant documents.
  3. Get the two words with the highest tfIdf.
  4. Add the two words to the query.
  5. Reorder the query based on the average positions of the words in the relevant documents.
  6. Repeat from step 1 until the desired precision is achieved or no relevant results are returned.

Google Custom Search Engine JSON API Key and Engine ID

API Key: "AIzaSyBe5rpBXOaw4IW8piccWUA0VZ9gNhUMWgY"

Engine ID: "497c7780958f3ec5b"
