
Proof of concept of a Python REST API with domain-driven design and hexagonal architecture.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Challenge

Connected Developers API

This project was born from a Rviewer challenge. The goal was to create a REST API which would return whether two developers were fully connected or not. Given a pair of developer usernames, they were considered connected if:

  • They follow each other on Twitter.
  • They have at least a Github organization in common.

Note: Developers having the same username, both in Twitter and Github, are assumed to be the same person.

How it works?

The challenge required implementing a Python REST API with these 2 endpoints:

Realtime Endpoint

GET /connected/realtime/dev1/dev2

This endpoint returns if two developers are connected and what GitHub organizations have they in common.

Register Endpoint

GET /connected/register/dev1/dev2

This endpoint returns all the related information from the previous invocations to the real-time endpoint, including the date it was registered.

Note: You could find the whole description of that API in the OpenAPI description file.

To accomplish this requirement, I have used FastAPI to handle routing, pydantic for data validation, and Tortoise to communicate with the database.

All structured with domain-driven design and hexagonal architecture.

Design philosophy

One of the stated goals of the challenge, was to "create a clean, maintainable and well-designed code".

I choose to combine domain-driven design and hexagonal architecture to achieve this goal because they allow the project to be expanded in many ways.

For example, there could be several applications in the apps module. If we want to add a CLI API, we can put it into the apps.api.cli module. Or, if we want to create a back-office, we can split it into apps.backoffice.backend and apps.backoffice.frontend modules.

Furthermore, the business logic is decoupled from the application framework, and also from the libraries we use to communicate with the infrastructure.

DDD allows us to separate the API logic from the back-office logic (or from any application we want to add to the project). It is now implemented with several modules with no dependencies on any other modules except shared module. However, this loosely-coupled design would make easier to move a part of the code to a separated microservice later on.

Technical details

Most of my experience programming in Python is developing websites with Django. However, my experience in PHP allowed me to learn about the architectures I mentioned above. And using a microframework seemed easier for me in order to implement them.

Among the available microframeworks, I choose FastAPI because it is easy to use, asynchronous, and generates documentation automatically.

Note: You could find the automatic docs on the URLs /docs and /redoc.

I choose pydantic because its simplicity. It allows data to be validated in many ways, while remaining simple.

I added orjson because it performs much better than the standard JSON library. It does not add much to the end result, but each bean helps to fill the barn.

I also added a dependency injector to make it easier to implement the dependency inversion principle. I do not like this injector so much, but I had no time to find a better alternative.

Tortoise was the selected ORM to connect to the database because it is also asynchronous and claims to have good performance. Like pydantic, it makes extensive use of type hinting. And its structure and query filters are based on Django, which I find very convenient.

Finally, the challenge authors expected the project to query the official Twitter and Github APIs. It was OK to use the existing client libraries, but I have preferred to make two asynchronous clients using the httpx library. This allows some requests to be parallelized and makes sense with my other choices.

Local Deployment

To make it easier to run the API (and meet the challenge requirements), I have prepared a Docker Compose file.

However, you need to first add an .env file to the root directory. That file must contain the following entries:

  • DATABASE_URL: The database configuration in this form:


  • GITHUB_LOGIN: The username you use for signing in to GitHub.

  • GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN: The token you have generated to access the GitHub API.

    To generate a token, sign in to GitHub and go to Settings / Developer settings / Personal access tokens.

  • TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN: An Access Token used in authentication that allows you to use the Twitter API.

    To generate a token, sign in Twitter Developers and go to Projects & Apps, create a project, then create an app on it, and generate a Bearer Token.

After doing this, you will be able to spin up the API and a database server. Just place this inside the root folder:

docker-compose up

Also, you can run the API without the container, just place inside the root folder:

uvicorn apps.api.rest.main:app --port 5000

Note: You could add --reload to tell Uvicorn to reload if the project code changes.

End to end tests

To ensure that everything is working as expected, the challenge included an e2e test suite. Those tests are created with Cypress and are based on the OpenAPI specification file.

To execute them, just place inside e2e-test folder:

npm install
npm run e2e

Unit tests

I have also added some unit tests created with pytest.

To execute all them, just place inside the root folder:

pytest tests