- Node.js : JavaScript server side platform the web application.
- Express.js : Light Node.js fraemwork for creating web application.
- React.js : Front-end Node.js library used to build user interfaces.
- Socket.io : JavaScript library for realtime web application capable of realtime, bi-directional communication between web clients and servers. Used to create chatroom.
- PostgreSQL : Relational Database Management System used to store data for the web application using pg-promise module to interact with the RDMS.
- Webpack : Module bundler which compiles required modules with dependencies and generate as a static asset.
- Heroku : Deploy the web application.
- Itunes API & Youtube API
git clone https://github.com/ga-diamonds-project3/project-3.git
npm install
createdb <name for db>
- in the root directory (must have psql installed)
psql -d <name for db> -f ./db/schema.sql
psql -d <name for db> -f ./db/seeds.sql
touch .env
Inside the .env file :
PG_DATABASE=<name of db>
PG_PASSWORD=<psql pw>
npm run watch
npm start
on another instance of terminal
- As an user, I want to see my playlist that I've saved before.
- As an user, I want to search albums by artists' name.
- As an user, I want to see list of songs of specified album when clicked on album img.
- As an user, I want to see music video of specified song.
- As an user, I want to add a song to my playlist.
- As an user, I want to share my playlist and/or import someone else's playlist.
- As an user, I want to delete songs in my playlist.
x The web app does not authenticate users and doesn't support signup and login.
x As of now, the web app automatically fetches all music videos which slows down the applicaiton.
x The web app does not support users to export and import playlist.