
my dot-files

Primary LanguageVim Script

                                                                    ___           ___
                                         ___           ___         /\_ \         /\_ \ (R)
sssssssssssssamuelolololololololol      /\_ \         /\_ \     ___\//\ \     ___\//\ \
  ____    __      ___ ___   __  __    __\//\ \     ___\//\ \   / __`\\ \ \   / __`\\ \ \
 /',__\ /'__`\  /' __` __`\/\ \/\ \ /'__`\\ \ \   / __`\\ \ \ /\ \L\ \\_\ \_/\ \L\ \\_\ \_
/\__, `\\ \L\.\_/\ \/\ \/\ \ \ \_\ \\  __/ \_\ \_/\ \L\ \\_\ \\ \____//\____\ \____//\____\
\/\____/ \__/.\_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____/ \____\/\____\ \____//\____\/___/ \/____/\/___/ \/____/
 \/___/ \/__/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/___/ \/____/\/____/\/___/ \/____/ by samuelololol@gmail.com

#Samuel's Dot Files

This is a repository of the setting files and plugins for some tools.


The listed apps are optional, choosing only needed

  • git
  • zsh
  • vim 8 or neovim
  • python-2.7
  • tmux
  • screen
  • universal-ctags, exuberant-ctags or ctags
  • the silver searcher, ag
  • cscope
  • Doxygen
  • valgrind
  • gdb


TERM settings

export TERM=xterm
#enable 256color for terminal multiplexs
alias tmux='TERM=xterm-256color tmux -2'
alias screen='TERM=xterm-256color screen'

for zsh

# rm ~/.zshrc   && ln -s dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
# rm -rf ~/.zsh && ln -s dotfiles/.zsh   ~/.zsh

for python flake8

# ln -s ~/dotfiles/flake8 ~/.config/flake8

for vim, neovim


$rm ~/.vimrc && ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
$rm -rf ~/.vim && ln -s dotfiles/.vim   ~/.vim


$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/dotfiles/.vim/init.vim (already linked in repository)
$ ln -s ~/dotfiles/.vim ~/.config/nvim

for gdb

$ cd ~
$ ln -s dotfiles/gdb/gdb-dashboard/.gdbinit



for vim

(not in .vim/pack/original package)

alias for submodules

$ git config alias.spull "submodule update --init --recursive --checkout --force"