This workshop covers various concepts of ASP.NET Core:
Lab | Description | Prerequisites |
.NET Core SDK | Convert a .NET Core Console Application into a ASP.NET Core Web Application. | |
MVC Applications | Create an .NET Core MVC App and explore routing. | |
Startup, Hosting, and Middleware | Explore the different configuration options available for a ASP.NET Core application. | |
Dependency Injections and Unit Testing | Use Dependency Injection (DI) to register and resolve application services. | |
Building Middleware | Create a middleware pipline to set the current culture of a ASP.NET Core App. | MVC Applications (optional) |
Logging and Diagnostics | Create logs, then filter them. Explore diagnostics middleware. | MVC Applications |
Razor Tag Helpers | Create a custom Tag Helper. | |
Single Page Applications (SPA) | Experiment with hot module reloading with an ASP.NET Core Angular App | .. |
Building a Single Page Application with Angular | Using what you've learned so far, build a simple application for managing a list of course attendees. | All prior labs. |
APIs with MVC Core | Build a simple API with MVC Core. | |
Hosting & Deployment | Deploy your ASP.NET Core App to Azure. | APIs with MVC Core |
In the Visual Studio Installer, install the following workloads:
- ASP.NET and web development
- .NET Core cross-platform development
- Azure development (Only required for Lab 8.1)